0 mods and full reinstall and still not fixed any help plz? getting frustated and almost unistalling this
Did you ever use mods?
I only ask because mods are stored in a separate folder from the game.
So a reinstall of the game will not remove them, and could cause an error.
Did you buy any new packs? I found that I would get that error after buying and installing a new pack. Usually you can just ignore the warning and reboot, sometimes a few times, though that is super frustrating.
I removed all mods folders even the folder mod data from steam i removed that
actually i noticed that everytime i remove all the folders from userdata it creates new folders all over again is that the reason? (i am playing vanilla didnt installed anymods again)
Please forgive me if you have already done these things.
un-sub all mods
then you need to remove steam / userdata / # / 440900
And steam / steamapps / workshop / content / 440900
And then run “verify integrity of game files”
otherwise the game will CTD
if you have done these things with no results, submit a ticket to zendesk
I listed these steps incase other people look here for answers.
Wow thx mate!!! I didnt do this one "
steam / steamapps / workshop / content / 440900" i had that, deleted it ill verify files and than if it appears and when appears ill reply thx mate a lot!
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