Passive exp gain for thralls and etc

Feel like thralls and pets deserve a passive exp gain.

Absolutely not. Play the game.


This would benefit decay refreshers ‘playing’ the game more than anyone else. No.


It’s really not necessary, unless the goal is to have a zerg army of thralls which requires little effort. Might as well cut out the middleman and ask for a potion that instantly levels a thrall to 20.

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I’ll bite. Why?

please no. this ppl whant make the game boring jesus

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You’re the only one for change. It helps small clans and solo players. Bigger clans can level up thralls faster.

I do. Learn how big clans can wreck you. Max clan size on official servers is 10. Having two followers with a certain perk per clan members makes total training for thralls 20. A solo players at max has 2 thralls. So the data is 2/20 or 1/10 the speed of training thralls same rate as a max clan of 10.

Official servers have decay timers.

If you are playing solo on a pvp server then you deserve to get wrecked by big clans. Stop asking for the devs to hold your hands and give your freebies.


But the larger clans would benefit like the solos and therefore dominate with levels thralls so it just makes the imbalance more pronounced. So is there another reason?


Bigger clans = more power. If you’re having trouble with golems and don’t think they need the ability to repair. Then you don’t know how easy they fall to star metal. Times 8 weakness.

That had nothing to do with anything. Golems have literally nothing to do with you asking for thralls and pets to get free exp for doing nothing. And your reason is because… you are getting smoked by big clans while playing solo on an official pvp server. Well no s***. What did you expect?

If your issue is bigger clans, then make friends. If you can’t do that, then capitulate.

Don’t ask the devs to fight your battles.


You just explained why Bryan’s argument is wrong and asked Bryan to provide another one. Judging from how these discussions have gone in the past, this is going to be a fun thread.



Incrementum ex certamine

very good idea! thralls should level much faster. especially if theres a boss on siptah deleting lvl 20 dalinsias with one shot!

I would love to crush you and your clan with my clan. The point is passive exp gain would be slow. That would be it’s trade off. Golems can be super counter due to their slow speed,low damage and x8 weakness to star metal.

How will this benefit smaller clans if big clans also receive the passive anyway? It won’t change anything.

