Patch notes are just sad!

Embarrassing Patch Notes

That is an utterly embarrassing number of things needing a hotfix. And nowhere is even mentioned the ongoing problem of thralls being half buried in floors not to mention the many reports of players falling through floors/the world.

This manic drive to keep pumping out new content and new things to buy as opposed to fixing long term bugs is bad enough. The fact that all this content and cash shop nonsense is also, more often than not, incredibly shoddy and broken from jump is NOT promising for the long term health of this game. Get it together Funcom and stand up to your evil overlords for the sake of quality. For all the gaffes you’ve traditionally made, your new masters are just making it worse and dragging your name through the mud.


My issue with this is the bugs this fixes were discoverable immediately upon logging in and playing. It’s as though it was pushed without being tested. On the PS5, you can now no longer run without holding the left thumb stick down. It feels clunky and awkward. It’s not a toggle now. Had they test this they would have discovered it immediately.


It’s not about lack of testing. It’s about the testing environment not being the same as the live environment.

Yes, messing with the controls was probably just someone’s Good Idea, but e.g. the thralls falling through floors probably doesn’t happen in the testing environment because their rigs are better capable of handling the load than the G-Portal servers which load the thralls first, then take a breather, and then load the building pieces, by which time the thralls have already determined that the law of gravity applies to them.

On Single-Player, my thralls have their feet firmly on the foundations, which suggests that it’s a loading order issue, rather than a bug in the building blocks themselves.

But I guess most QA testers would refuse to work on the sort of hardware that runs the public servers.


Entirely fair points (and my singleplayer experience matches yours) - but it is worth noting that thralls sunk into foundations were visible in the most recent dev livestream (and were completely ignored as they passed them).

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I don’t even play on console and I feel bad for you. But then I also think it was a terrible idea to jury rig this game, which already has a plethora of ongoing problems, for console in the first place. Bad for PC players because an already too small team is being tasked with twice the work now and trying to figure out what will work on both platforms which inevitably leads to the dumbing down of the PC game. Bad for console players because this game was never built with console play in mind, will never work as it should on console and, frankly, rips off console players.

The saddest part is that their patch notes are always missing more than half of what they changed.

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I disagree. For most part, it actually plays well on consoles. I’ve been playing for six years now through good and bad. If the new menu system gets fixed, it is actually better than the old one. There are some core mechanics that were working that do not now that they need to address

Now on saying that, it does feel like we are an after thought to the PC version. With some refinement and dedication, this could be an A List MMO on consoles. They are just hampered by poor quality control testing. They are so focused on meeting the three months Age release goal that they don’t allow themselves sufficient time to test. Players would rather have a major update that fixes known issues than new game mechanics that are broken and not tested.

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I fail to see the gain with the new UI. What did we gain in time or input savings?

I would agree with you if quick stack would apply to all storage nearby or if we had a refill button to pull consumables from storage nearby and fill up your stacks.

oyé oyé oyé les gens


We are informed here that the game works on console!!!

It’s not like it’s been 2 years since I could not play.
but It must be in my head, I’m going to make an appointment with the therapist.
An honest medical assessment would indicate psych evaluation. :ok_hand:

If you actually read my post, I said there are core issues that need to be resolved. The game is far from perfect. I also said they have no quality control and push out broken updates. But for all intents and purposes, the game does work on console. I was playing yesterday. Not sure why you have not been able to play in two years.

TBH I’m waiting for the 7d2d update to hit after all these years. Eat dust bugcom :running_woman:t2:

Well, actually and relatively speaking the game works
I can walk and sit on a rock and look the landscape. :pray:

Now I will resume my last experiments.
Total loss of my bases
Total loss of my saves
Game crashes when I run a purge
Game crashes when I try to approach certain places (especially the new fortress)
The game crashes just because it wants to

The good news, I no longer crash in the menus
I’m not going to talk about inventory management issues,
Because acualy I can’t build a simple building…
Should I go back to lag? mumm

But I may be too demanding
I should thank funcom for having the right to stand on my rock and watching the landscape :ok_hand:



You do get not everyone is sharing your experience right?

If it was just the game everyone would be having the same issues. So the thing to do is to find out what about your rig is the game tripping over.

Now before the attitude bell is rung I know nothing about your system, could be a console, could be a PC, could be a steam deck. All that makes a difference as does generation, and components, or even other apps running. With out knowing the commonalities people share that are having the same issue we can’t but guess at a cause.

I can only see how the game plays from my prospective. And it’s playing about as good as it ever does, but that is a low bar.


yes… just read the posts here to realize that everything works elsewhere
and then… for the other players that I know, they all stopped because they were really very, very, too happy
but, sincerely I love your answer
so if I understand you, I’m going to buy a new console, I’m going to install the game, if it doesn’t work it’s because I didn’t press x correctly?
ok, ok
I will train myself

Try reinstalling the game. If it was a game wide issue, everyone would be having the same issues.

Have you built one of the mega bases that causes the game to crash?

Are you on a decent network connection?

Are on single player mode? Did your save get corrupted?

Lots of things to consider before saying the game doesn’t work. Sure there are some issues and some major annoyances to be fixed, but the game is certainly not in an unplayable state.

No you didn’t have your tongue hanging out of the right side of your mouth.

Console, say no more. That wouldn’t actually be a game problem that would be how the game runs on consoles.

I’m rural I have 3 kinds of fuel. I can put mix in my lawn mower and it will run, poorly, smoke a bit, but I can still mow. I put regular in my weed eater and it will work for a little bit before the motor locks up. I put diesel in ether and I’ll be buying new ones.

This build has bugs and issues, it runs ok on a PC, but a console?
And what generation is your console?
What else do you have on it?
Is anything else running when Conan is?

Hell if I know my last console was a PS2 slim.

The point is not that the game works for everyone.

The point is that the game doesn’t not work for everyone. Meaning, there are different ways the game is working (or not working), so there isn’t just one cause for the problems, and therefore not just one easy fix (because that fix might break something else).

The process looks a bit like this:

That’s why it’s important to try and provide accurate data on what, when and how things are broken, rather than just complain that “the game” is broken.


Thank you for your help.

I will not forget to start all these solutions again during the next season and its associated update.

That’s why it’s important to try and provide accurate data on what, when and how things are broken, rather than just complain that “the game” is broken.

I have already sent the error reports thank you.
and I don’t see how to be more precise.
It is no longer a detail or a prioritization function, it is a whole.

à l’année prochaine!

My wife plays Conan in PS4 and I’m on PS5. Both on hard wired connection. Her load times and base rendering times are definitely slower. The game does not play as well on the PS5 as it should. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla shows what the PS5 is capable of. It’s visually stunning.

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