I buy 1year Premium i use allways same payment Methode i dont get response by click on buy Button i click again after 10min my Account was closed 1 payment fails 1 payment approved wtf and Account is suspend
i lost all my aa tree over time my e-mail ID "[Funcom Support #1166957] ticket and i write ingame petition no response
i get now answer from e-mail support that say i am premium member but i am not a premium i am a free to play i can only use 1 charakter and 10gold limit thats not premium i buy premium for 13months in my account site say i have premium 2022-05-06 my status is open and free to play !!!
Your using old account page …@andyB stated in an earlier post all transactions need to be through the new account page for purchasing game time and points. I just subbed for a year and cleared in 2 days
i was doing everything over this sites buy points playtime and what ever when i click ingame is the only site that i get i never have any problems ,
my own problem atm is that the e-mail support say i am premium player <<<< i am not a premium player and dont have premium
this site works 100times with out problems for me
Go to age of conan. Com and go to account and log in that way the new account page will come up and you can check your payments through there. Yes support is none existent unfortunately…how long ago did you buy 12 month sub ?
Your are right, @AndyB stated this.
But they never changed the links, and still lead people to the old site.
The add in the english launcher (NEW MEMBERSHIP PRICES - BUY NOW!") leads you here:
The “JOIN NOW” button leads you to the old account site:
At http://www.ageofconan.com/
“ACCOUNT” in the right top corner, “ACCOUNT LOGIN” in the menue on the right and the “PLAY FOR FREE” button via “BECOME A PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER” leads you to the new site:
On the german version of the site:Age of Conan | Funcom
the “ACCOUNT LOGIN” in the menue on the right leads to the old account site, while “PREMIUM-MITGLIEDSCHAFT” leads to nowhere, because the membership benefits are not even translated and build into the site.
So a new customer most likely will be lead to the old account site, because new players do not search in the forums or on the website how to sub, they just click the link in the launcher.
This is not the only link-catasrophy on FC sites - they do not even check the content of the Age of Conan website any longer. Well, have not done that for years. Lazy and pathetic.
i was premium member i buy only more playtime an every site the same result i have premium playtime only and my account is frozen , i use 100 times the old site with same payment system no problems !!
i have laggs >>>> my internet is fault i know >>> every other game works since years no problems !!!
my game crash >>>>> my PC is fault i know >>>> every other game works since years no problems !!!
i know everything what is fail is the users fault<<<
the next joke FTP get no support only PREMIUM members an they get the same zero support
look forum how many ppl with the same problem
any chance to get support or help or soemthing ???!!!
Maybe Andy can help today but if they don’t respond it probably won’t be until Monday
i wrote him a message with screenshotts and ticket number which he has not yet answered,
i paid for a product i didn’t get, it’s the same when i drive to the gas station and pay for petrol and get no petrol i don’t think people realize it, the difference is at the gas station who takes care of me to fix the problem
and the bad thing is that the e-mail support claims that I am a premium member, which is not the case at all, because you might have had to open 2 websites to see that is just 1 click too many
With all the payment problems lately I don’t know why people keep on subbing…havnt you got it yet? Funcom either don’t give a sh*t or they are totally incompetent…seriously stop subbing guys.
I have to say that Funcom accepts all the money I throw at them and reward me for it almost instantly !
One of mine says free to play but it did actually turned premium.
Systems a bit borked
they fix it i am now premium member , andy fix it not the e-mail support the e-mail support has no plan what they do i think
я вообще не понимаю че за фигня твориться, мы платим деньги а они не решают наши проблемы