PC - Age of War Chapter 3 Update Discussion Megathread

So this is normal, you want to say?)))

It’s been a long time since my thralls fell into textures, but with this update this error returned. And this happens ONLY at the base where the tavern is located.

In addition, when entering the tavern, no one is visible behind the counter, although the bartender is standing there. I have to blindly carry her to another place, and then put her back behind the bar.

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Just want to let you know that “Replacing a ceiling with Aesir Ceiling no longer results in destruction of any placeables on top of ceiling” is still broken. Just replaced Sandstone ceilings with Aesir Ceiling and it destroyed all my benches again. You can clearly see that they are higher as other ceilings.

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Latest Update Causes your Game to Crash when Attacking…Cannot do the 100% thing todo in conan now

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Same Problem here. I attack and the Game crashes.

HotFIX Fake (2024.01.16) :lying_face:

Continuando a discussão de PC Update - Age of War Chapter 3 - Last Update: Hotfix 2 - 2024.01.16:

:brazil: feedback @Community
Servidor oficial 1977 PVEC gportal
Como podem ver o manequim feminino do BAZAR de armadura não foi ajustado portanto ainda permanece o BUG :thinking:

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I solved the attack crash for myself. In my case it was the Mod " IMMERSE RP : Buildings & Placeables Decor ". All other Mods on my Server and testet also in Single player works.

I want to thank the devs for fixing the raider journey step so I could finish that.


Went over to see how bad that base by the stygian keep gate lagged everything out; is there actually any reason to report it? Nice double tier of archers well with in range of the Stygian archers so nonstop battle and bodies everywhere. Naaa no lag causers here :roll_eyes:

And got stuck only being able to walk in compass directions with out turning in said direction, while the camera free floated around. Got back to a safe place, it was sort of like watching a crab walk. And logged out.

I’m sure it’s some setting I have to reset then get used to some new battle mechanic that will change in the next update, and then…

I am so tied of this crap. I am so ready to pay full price for enshrouded just to get my head out of Conan.

You hear that funcom? I’m ready to pay a competitor $60 just to help me get my head out of this hot mess. Because what we have now is just the way this road is going to be right to the end.


Color me unsurprised, but this hotfix is worthless. Nice job ignoring the game-breaking issues.

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The XP reward from the siege boss was a bug!?

Dear dudes and dudettes and Funcom, the XP given by that boss was one of the first things reported in testing:

What do we do testing for? That process only makes sense if the reports are a.) read and b.) acted upon before releasing the patch.

In the meantime, hundreds of thralls will have been levelled with that “bug”. There are forum posts, videos, possibly a hand drawn oil painting. If all of that was basically an exploit, how is it fair to other players now to remove that?

Please, please, please enhance to quality and relevance of testing and bug-fixing. Things like that can break a server or even game.


Hello, I’m receiving a fatal error when trying to attack with a weapon or swing a tool. (I see others are too) The only mod I have in the game is one I’ve made myself just to edit a few small things. Higher max level, max food of 200, little text inputs like that. When the mod is removed the game works as intended. I tried recooking the mod and I’m getting an error in the BasePlayerChar asset. It states that it cannot find a function named “GetEnableAutoFacingOnAttack” in “UserSettingLibrary” I see in the recent patch notes that this setting was deleted. I’m not very familiar with unreal editor. Is there an easy way to fix this for my mod? Thank you!

Hotfix 2 (2024.1.16)

:brazil: feedback

Como já disse antes o conan testeLive é MEME :rofl:
Tudo que está lá será lançado isso inclui todos os BUGs portanto estão jogando por nada. Era para ser um feedback de como está o jogo antes de atualizar mas isso não acontece pois a FUNCOM sempre lança sem olhar o feedback da comunidade. Eu mesmo parei de jogar o testeLive de conan exiles por não ter influência alguma no lançamento da atualização!

Acho que é preguiça de resolver o problema antes de ser atualizado :sleepy:

Let me set you straight on that. Those are public beta servers not test servers. Bugs reported on them may eventually get fixed but not before the build goes live; unless it is an actual game crasher with an autoreport.

The public beta servers are there pretty much for content producers to hype the next chapter.

:brazil: feedback
@Khaletohep resumindo, está perdendo tempo! Mas bom jogo cada um sabe o que faz :grin:

Screenshot 2024-01-17 020516
Same here with a fresh placed mannequin.

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check some of your mods we spent 11 hrs looking thru our mods and found out pick up + was causing the issue so we removed it and all is working fine now

If you’re saying what I think you’re saying, I sadly have to agree.

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if you read back up. I went on to push off decay at 150 hours, my hunting lodge had decayed away I guess. No reason for it, my elevator lobby is half the size and fine. Lost most everything I got raiding that Stygian base.

Don’t care. Save the 3 thralls that were ok and went back to Enshrouded. Right now I could lose everything on the public toil… server and not shed a tear.

Conan Exiles feedback

:brazil: bug feedback Conan Exiles @Community
O BUG do “Expositor de armadura” invisível ainda permanece em Age Of War 4



Isso me faz questionar em parar de jogar conan exiles por não ver o interesse da empresa “funcom” com um simples ajuste e conheço quando pula um ajuste vira uma grande bola de neve até que o jogo quebre de vez… Portanto já estou pensando em parar até mesmo de postar o feedback sobre o jogo aqui :relieved: