We’re releasing a small hotfix that takes care of a number of crashes related to connectivity issues, a fix for the excessive “pong” messages in server logs, as well as improved messaging in regards to FLS errors.
Thanks again for your ongoing support, and stay safe.
Please remember that updates can mess with your installed mods. We suggest taking a backup of your current database before updating to any new patch if you have mods installed.
Fixed a number of crashing issues.
Removed excessive PONG logging on the server.
Improved messaging when FLS login fails due to Steam being unavailable (i.e. Weekly Maintenance, Summer Sale overload).
только с утра все нормализовалось, и вот опять. После hotfix-а выскакивает ошибка steam online services are unresponsive. ЗАЧЕМ ЛОМАТЬ ИГРУ ??? С последнего патча я 1 раз смог в нее зайти, сегодня с утра, все остальное время я должен наблюдать ошибки со стороны разработчиков !
@Lleilwin, have you found posts on this board that are similar to your issues? If so, please consider adding your experiences with as much data as reasonably possible.
If not, please create a new thread so we can see your data in the form at the top and a description of the issues. Posting here gets read; a thread gets read quicker and in more detail because the issue is in, well, one thread.
Ignasis, sorry mate but the hard crashing is worse than ever. 3 times in the last 90 minutes, random incidents, total computer lock. I have reinstalled, validated, shut down apps running in the background, checked drivers, the works … nada. Other games working fine.
Thx for input,@Jim1
Yea, I have seen this issue posted several times by now
Only way to log into the server I play on is via ‘Direct Connect’.
Server doesn’t show in ‘History’ or ‘Favorites’ and cannot be found by manuel search in server list.
After 2nd last patch, connection attempts don’t time out 8-9 times before I get in, so that’s definitely an improvement.
Once in, everything seems to be in order for me
As soon as you get to the server selection screen, tap Level one time. That sorts any server you have a toon on to the top. Faster.
This is testlive, but live is the same.