Urgh! Sorry to hear that others weren’t so lucky with the process. We’ve told our players to make sure to take screenshots of bases, etc. just in case of other issues like this one. I think we were lucking in that our server host allows a lot more hands-on for Admins. Admins have direct control over Backups and Restores, and also no mod-updates are automatic. All FunCom updates/patches have to be activated by Admins and do not happen automatically.
@Landumir - that is strange? What we did was to do the backup before running the patch. We renamed the backup to something like ‘backup-pre-Update’ and then ran the patch. When we saw that the post-patch base was smaller than the original, AND that Forums/Discord were reporting issues, we did not start the Server back up until there was clarification. It led to a lot of downtime.
When the Patch dropped yesterday (17th), we Restored from the ‘backup-pre-Update’ base and then ran the Patch. Comparing the bases, they were identical. Only then did we start the server and checked and all okay.
All players were told not to click on the duplicate Server entry showing Ping ‘???’. No players to date have had to re-create.
I did see the following entry from our server host, and apologise in advance for the length, but I hope it helps at all:
"Last Conan update broke something on their netcode and servers do not query on Steam, they don’t show on Battlemetrics, TopConanServers.com or any similar tools, and sometimes they don’t list correctly inside Conan server browser or sometimes they should duplicated with a ?? on it, that’s normal, it’s Conan update broken.
Conan dev’s are aware and they are working on the fix, you can follow up their discussion in this thread or on any other similar thread in their forums: Not being able to play offline in single player mode
For now, until dev’s fix the problem, check below how to workaround:
- Be sure your server it’s updated, run the Steam Update button on your control panel
- Be sure your mods are updated, update your mods from the control panel
- Be sure your server it’s started and running, running servers usually show 4GB or more of ram usage on the control panel (tick the Auto Refresh option)
- Open Conan and let the server list fully load, (exists around 20.000 Conan servers, be sure you let the list populate completely first) before searching for your server
- If you see your server duplicated, ignore it, it’s because the broken update
- If you can’t see your server, click on the Direct Connect button and place your server connection IP:PORT (example: 123.456.789.11:1111)" [ip address changed obs.]