PC Update (16.06.2020) - Update 41: Followers re-balancing, Avatar fixes and more!

Pour ma part c’est ce que j’ai fais, je me suis connecter en “connexion direct”, mais j’ai du recréer un personnage, bon ce n’est pas bien grave pour moi, mais je pense surtout a tout ce que mes joueurs vont perdre … De plus des la création terminer … J’ai un FATAL ERREUR qui s’affiche et steam se déconnecte directement …

We should all wait for a Hotfix update. It is not very good to play with the functioning of the developers. Many people will pay the price if each server does not wait for a new update.

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No offense, but testlive patch still had enough problems…

So WHY the flip did you even release an update? To generate more broken things?

Could you seriously stop updating a broken patch with another broken patch and test LONGER??

Also get an own update & release manager. It really looks like you need one…


Probably why they’re moving away from using steam-ids.

I am of your opinion, but there the fault is made. We can do nothing more than be frustrated and wait.

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My server has been running for over a year and a half and I have never seen this.
And in addition I started the game since beta. We hope that the situation quickly unfolds.

There are no limitations or issues in 10. Anyone still using 7 just refuses to pay for 10, or plays on a potato. Stop complaining your out of date software doesnt work.

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No issues whatsoever here. Server intact, all buildings intact, so far all logged in characters intact

Actually, you can upgrade to 10 for free. There’s no hacks or cheats involved or anything. Just download the install media from Microsoft and install it. I did it a couple months ago for a client.

I don´t get it o.O
As far as I understand, the problem ist Win7 now? Huh? I don´t use Win7 and I still can´t see any servers and to be honest, I am scared to use the direct connection to the private server we have, ´cause I don´t want to lose my character and stuff. We just startet about two weeks ago with a new mod and we all spent a lot of time in leveling and harvesting. sighs
seems like there is no solution for us but to be patient and wait, till it is fixed.

They are not wiped, some of us were able to get on earlier to various Officials.

What I experienced, and others have mentioned, is that they are no longer attached to the original characters on those servers. So everything is still present, but perhaps due to the changes from a SteamID to a Funcom Live ID some players have been detached from their original characters.

This would obviously be bad if the case and not correctable.

This is now strange. A server where I am playing, I had to create a new character and at my base seems that all guards and horses have disappeared. Is it a result of a mod or this update? Right now I do not know at all.

Have I missed something somewhere but why do we now have a caps name and a string of numbers under our avatar names ingame, it is just nasty.
so now it looks like,



I don’t grumble about much but that is not nice, and the RP community must be having a kitten.
If it is just me and I need to adjust something please tell me where/how, if not then why? would you do this.

We had a sign up forever,

Pick 2

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I have been in I.T. for 25+ years, and have used every version of windows ever. There is NOTHING in 7 that isnt in 10. Its just moved to a different place. Your ignorance to facts is astounding.

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Please folks, we’re all frustrated, but that’s not a reason to disregard civility.

Keep it as constructive as possible and play the forums by the guidelines.





That’s funny from my point of view. I work in QA for a big swedish company that produces medical equipment.
With that low standard of QA the company would be dead in a day and maybe some people too.


Still crashing, despite the ‘hot fix’.

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Now i se my server but ping is??? and player online is ? to.


I just got a 2.1 gb update…I think it was an update, lol.