Personalized fighting styles - let players select animation attack sequences for a given weapon class

I have 4400 hours in game. Primarily PVC.

Over the years, a given weapon (for example the spear) has had an evolution of different attack animations.

We have had a fairly static attack animation set for each weapon type for a while now.

I am suggesting that the player engagement might be improved if we could craft our own fighting styles from the historical library of animations for each weapon type.

Within the context of a typical three to four move animation chain, players would preselect which animations they would like to employ.

The executed animation chain would be unique to your selections.

This resequencing/selection would only be available outside of combat.

If you wanted to get all P2W you could sell moves on the cash shop.

If you wanted to go all ham with the concept, you could finish an animation set with a pre-selectable emote.

Not sure if this would be possible with the scripts for combat animations.

Curious what you all think.


I like the idea - added skill element for PVP (I’d guess), but also added interest for PVE.

In order to string the animations together I guess it’d need to come back to some sort of ‘neutral’ position between attacks, which might risk slowing down some combos if it couldn’t be handled right. But then that could also allow for intentionally slowing down some sequences (say if it involves forcefully reversing the direction of swing), while allowing more natural flowing movements to link into one another more quickly. Could be interesting :slight_smile:

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Players would simply pick the highest DPS two attacks and then spam those.

The best attacks should be the third and fourth. The animations and damage modifiers should be adjusted until that is the case.


I think this makes sense for any attack chain, the final attack/attacks apply the greatest damage.

If I recall correctly, there were secondary effects like KD, cripple or bleed that could be applied in earlier attack animations.

There would have to be tradeoffs on damage vs. these secondary effects.

I could imagine, for example building an attack set that emphasized secondary effects instead of raw dps.

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