Pet don't follow in house

Hello, again me about pet…
I notice there are many problems between pet and buildings. They never come with you in house even if they are following you : they just turn around the house. I Always have to take them and put inside house…Even if I build a giant portal, they don’t come.
Do you have any ideas ? How do you make your farm/house for fighting pets ?
Thank you for help !

Forthermore, when I put a crocodile in house, they always die or bug in foundations…help :’( tell me what I have to do with pet and build ^^’
(5 croco die in one week…)

hi have you made and placed a Feed Box (in or near your house with some food that the croco can eat?)

this page shows what they can eat,
(i have 3 being tamed so will try the same test once i have them) :slight_smile:

My pet are Always full of food. It’s a problem with buildings…they become stuck up inside foundation. Crocodile seems to not be abble to sit ON foundations. Other pet are okay but they can’t come alone…
Foundations seem to afraid and kill pet xD
I Wonder why !

Sandstone, first foundations…

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