Petition is ment to offer a workaround of the longlasting and progressing bug of falling through ceilings and/or getting caught in foundations.
If all else fails, player equippment can be recalled using sorcery, but what is to be done with a rising number of thralls getting stuck in foundations?
It is mildly put to be a nuisance to dig through a good portion of our courtyard to salvage clanmates and thralls, but several of thralls (leveled and with good equippment) are on locations that prevent digging as it could collapse our buildings.
FYI: Official PVE
I do understand there are few cons to do that.
Few more opionions on the subject are welcome.
That doesn’t work if you died shortly after logging off for the day. That happened to me yesterday morning. I got home in the evening and saw I lost EVERYTHING. Worst part was that I was carrying a ton of stuff since I accidentally destroyed some chests and didn’t have time to place them all back at the moment I was leaving (I was running late and inventory management blows hard right now). So yeah… this bug is pretty bad, ESPECIALLY if it occurs to you while offline.
I spent maybe 10+ minutes looking for one lost thrall, which marker was still on the spot I placed him. The bad thing is, that the map is too big and even in close up and in the right direction, one would have to remove many foundations to find the exact spot and building piece under which the thrall is stuck.
So I removed 5 foundations and still nothing, then I decided to pay the price in the best strength dmg bonus gear and one Momentum on that thrall, just to get him back.
I don’t see a problem if the return of the slave is free, without loss of inventory and equipment and tales from 15 minutes to 1 hour of real time. This will allow you return slaves who have fallen into foundation or into non-destructible textures.
I have also been proposing for a long time to make magic useful and introduce the revival of slain slaves and animals in their former state (big price) and in a zombie state (small price).
Somewhat ironic, given that last chapter best advice was to avoid putting thralls in chairs because that tended to break their ai and prevent them fighting. Round and round the carousel goes