Ping 9999, server full, all server invalid

Game mode: Online official | Online private
Type of issue: invalid server (all)
Server type: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: no matter
Mods?: Are mods installed: No
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

hi, i just buy the game on steam, the game was working perfectly on the xbox app but i wanted intstall some mods and its more easy on steam. But now, i cant play online anymore, all the server are invalid and are with 9999 ping and 60/60 player…
if someone can help me to fix this issues please T.T
i just reinstall the game and it didnt change anything.
update windows : check
update firewal : check
update conan: check
port 7777/7778 open, doesnt change anything.

The games are now saying invalid because when you have mods enabled, you’re essentially running a different version. You can still join them, it’ll just forcibly restart your game to disable those mods

Ok but i still have no mod installed. So mids aren’t the problem.

This is not correct though, I start the game with mods loaded and I still see all servers with players and all. The game version does not change. Mods are not the reason to see the servers as invalid as evidenced here:

@DonCarnage have you tried disabling any anti-virus and firewall apps you may have, just to make sure that they are not blocking anything. Can you confirm that you are running the latest version of the game?


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yes i tried. same result. update are in auto on steam so i got the last version.

Just to make sure, can you post a screenshot of your main menu and one from your server list.

the forum dont allow me to post pics… i uninstalle the game on steam. i tried to enabale mods on the gampass end now it doent work on xbox to… right now im the freddy mercurry meme… i want to break knees!
i will reinstall on steam soon, il will tell you. but im sur it was the last version.

You can post a picture by breaking the link e.g. to imgur .com

The same problem. Occurred during the game. I put on a new set of armor and the game crashed . And I can’t log in to the server anymore. Of all the official servers, ping 9999 is only on my server where I played. You can go to another server, but not to your old one. No mods. Steam version

This is how the server menu looks like if you scroll down. About 50% with ping 9999

yep, this is “half” of my issues ^^, server are full to and still no solution.

Hello, you should be able to post screenshots now. Could you please show us how your server browser looks like currently?

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