Player coming back after a long break. Why was all armor balance completely removed? 80% of gear became useless. Only 1 build viable

When I played before, selecting your armor type was extremely important. Heavy made you run slower, roll slower, react slower, and drain more stamina, but you were tanky and could absorb a lot of damage. Light armor made you fast and agile, but super soft. Medium was a balanced choice. It wasn’t perfect and needed some tinkering, but it allowed for interesting and varied builds, and PVP battles had some flow to it.

Now fast forward to AoW3. I did some testing today and it seems that medium and light armor are completely useless. There’s pretty much zero difference in stamina regeneration, zero difference in stamina consumption, and zero difference in speed and reaction time. Heavy armor can give 80% damage mitigation with zero cons, aside from carry weight, which still falls in the green/yellow zone with no consequences. For PVP it’s simply stupid to wear anything else.

This drags many more issues behind it. There’s only one viable PVP build now, which is 3 top skill lines - Strength, Agility, Vitality. All in exactly same setup. Not only that but since everyone run exactly the same build and exactly the same gear, all organic PVP battles boil down to this → roll dodge, spear jab (that’s it, rinse and repeat) , or run at full speed, heavy swing, and roll away. There’s zero flow to it. Just 1 hit and move 1 hit and move. This was NOT the case when I played Conan before.

Actually, trying out different builds, gear, and combo-based combat is what made this game stand out among other survival games. That’s how I and my friends got into the game in the first place. I can’t say that anymore. It got dumbed down to the likes of “ARK” when it comes to combat.

Is there any dev that can give me a good reason why this change was made? To me, it just seems like an extremely bad design decision. Trying to dumb down the game, hoping it will catch on the success of other simple games, without seeing the value of what you have (and not knowing how to market it).

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That really isn’t true. Heavy armor has -15% stamina regeneration (medium is -10%), +20% dodging stamina cost, and while armor weight class does not affect dodge time directly, carry weight does, so being heavier because of your armor will make dodging slower.


I don’t know who are you fighting against, but although other armors became more viable on pvp, light armor is still the most preferred choice. Mobility is life on pvp, where everything counts.

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You either didn’t play for a long time or must be playing a different version of the game. Please test it out. Armor category no longer affects speed of movement amd rolls reaction time.

You’re talking about 5% difference in stamina regen between heavy and medium. That’s literally nothing with the current crazy fast stamina regen.

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So, now most players are using heavy armor? Is that what you’re saying? Interesting…

Someone hasn’t looked at the top perk for Grit and it shows.

That said, rolling thrust is still the top dog.
Great axes and their silly pom pom pugil stick swing is a strong contender with the current hyper armour/stunlock situation.
The Spear nerf was a silly thing really. It addressed a symptom of the problem poorly, and in so doing remedied neither the problem nor the symptom.
How rolling thrust interacts with the new stamina system is the issue, and all attempts to address it have been an exercise in trying to avoid actually fixing a problem with elegance. But then again, many updates seem to happen in a vacuum, divorced from an understanding of how they will impact play.

Armour is…
Well, this one invites others to literally jump into the game and do a few experiments with stamina consumption vs restoration, specifically with the realities of modern meta weaponry/gear
Mind you, watching dueling now is singularly derpy. So much over swing and missed attacks due to obvious facing problems.


Almost everything unique has been taken away from the game and now it’s all just flat, cut from the same cloth. There are no actual differences between T4 thralls for example, it doesn’t really matter what armor you have on and so on. Even a naked player can stomp T4 thralls and players just for fun with the right perks and attributes. The gameplay has gotten so boring, it’s all just fighting and getting everything from loot boxes instead of playing and exploring to get gear, recipes and thralls.

Well, this part is true. Thralls are a waste of time now. They’ve been nerfed into the ground to the point they’re more of a liability than an aid.

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