Player who falls to infinity

Basic Info:

Platform: Ps4
Issue Type: Bug
Game Mode: Multi
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exile
Server Name: 3003


Good morning,
I have a little problem with a player who came to disconnect in my home.
Usually this is not a problem, they disappear after a while.
Except that it seems that this player tries an experiment on the principle of equivalence.
Because for more than a week, it has only fallen.
Can you help him?
And maybe, remind him that this type of experiment is no longer necessary, a scientific team having launched the microscope satellite in 2016.

Thank you for him




I’don’t no, that a good question

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I don’t know if this will work, but it might be worth trying to kick her (may be possible to at least push her out of the door that way…) It worked for NeebsGaming, but they have PVP enabled so I don’t know if it will work without. They were able to kicka character that was falling forever like this and it snapped themout of it so they just stood on the ground normally.


thank you but actually it doesn’t work
Short more explanatory video.
I tried to break the ceiling to make it fall but without success, also taking a big risk because I didn’t know if I was going to be able to put it back in afterwards…

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Imagine if that happens to all body vaults in pvp after server restart :smile:

a torrent of tears would come to flood the forum opening the gates of hell where the demons could delight in a divine feast :scream: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue:

or maybe…


i’ll come back in PvP


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Greetings @GullTopp ,

Please follow the stated in the Official servers guidelines to submit a ticket:

You can read the full version of the Guidelines here:


Ok thank you for your answer

My dearest @GullTopp and @ZahMaiatt this may be not a player. This may be a glitched npc from the tavern system. Remove your bar for a day and on the server restart it may disappear, cross fingers.

hi @stelagel , i hope you are doing well.
thank you for your suggestion but he’s indeed a player
his nickname was displayed the first time I noticed, he was lying on the ground
Now he just flies
too much tonic drink I guess :rofl:

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