Allways the same answer, if you dont like it, dont play it.
Hahaha, i guess you are also one of the builder only. But it is true that if you only want to build and dont ahve any community feeling, play single mode or do like me, rent your own server.
On 1090 there is also many builders not players, i asked one why he/she build all over, answer i got was
’ its a crappy game and building is the only thing to do’.
PLAY single mode then, cause there are players who like to build AND play the game.
With my clan mates we decided to do both; wait them out and refresh and we will rent our own server, thanks all of the people who read and replied. I will not report, because builders come and go. I love the game and many of the players.
@Pazsu I think you will enjoy having your own server. Have had my own for 2 years.
As i see you’re an other one that if peoples doesn’t play the way you want to play they aren’t playing for you And you did just what i encouraged him to do you made your own server to get only peoples with your narrow play style on that server which is fine since you took step toward your goal instead of just complaining on the forums
Then you went straight to random assumptions about me being a builder without wanting to play in a community. I’m just not someone try to impose my way of playing to other players they like to build lets them build they only want to pvp/clear dungeons fine.
Myself i do enjoy mindless grind once in a while watching youtube, i like fighting other player which is why I’ve started weekly events on the official server i play on to keep the community there active and yes i do enjoy building (working on a maze tower theses day so other players can run thru and time themselves )
The best way of having peoples playing a sandbox game the way YOU want them to play remain either go solo so you don’t see other playstyles or go on private server with people that enjoy the same way of playing as you do.
Have you reported the issue? I mean, besides a forum post?
I’m having a similar issue on a PvE server I play on. A clan has pretty much filled Shattered Springs with foundations and then extended from there, somewhat South towards Unnamed City, and then ALL the way East to the Jungle using 1x1 foundations. I tried reporting it this morning, but being a new user you can’t post proof and given my lack of faith in this game as well as its staff I don’t expect much will be done. Especially since I’m on PS4. Sitting here reading, and now replying, in hopes that I can actually reply to my post with some proof.
I don’t know how well that will work, nor will I expect much from Funcom, however I’ll still try what I can to report this issue. I would suggest at least giving the report a try however just expect the worst. As in nothing gets resolved about it.
So playing to detriment the experiences of everyone on the server is “not playing the game you’d like them” as opposed to actually, say, “griefing” as what is actually classified in that report list?
This is rich. I mean yes people are free to build whatever comically gigantic monstrosities of bases they please as that is how the game is intended to be played, however, blocking spawns as well as points-of-interest that inhibit game progress is not just “playing a game to someone else’s disdain”. It’s straight up griefing.
There’s a section in the official rules that explains how to get around the new forum account restrictions:
NEW FORUM ACCOUNTS: Please be aware that newly created users can’t send private messages until a certain threshold has been met, which is to read 5 different posts, 30 different messages, and spend 10 minutes logged in. This is to prevent automated spam.
It shouldn’t take you more than 10-15 minutes to fulfill the necessary requirements and then you’ll be able to report properly.
I have. I have edited my original post with the proper information as well.
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