Playing on ps5, anyone have a fix for invisible followers?

Hi all!

Couldn’t find this is the bugs section, hoping someone else had this issue and fixed it.

I am playing on PS5, and my thralls are invisible (my current Shaleback in just a floating pair of eyes. I can however see other people’s thralls. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


Ive been having trouble with invisible thongs as well. I play Ps4. Sometimes its followers and sometimes its creatures in the frost area and volcano. I also get black shapes sometimes instead. Then it renders. My armor is just a black shiny thing sometimes. It’s been this way since the start of the sorcery set. I had no issues before. I wonder if its because all this new stuff is veing pushed for the ps5?

Try putting thrall on guard and then moving them to guard at another location. This just might work.

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