At first I was able to roll with this, but it feels like it is beginning to become too prevalent. So far since the new Battle Pass structure was released, in every weekly challenge cycle 2 (often 3) out of the available Challenges myself and my partner get are to kill demonic animals. Here is this week’s:
When we only have 3 available challenges per week, and having lost the ability to re-roll, it becomes very frustrating having to work through yet another layer of RNG in our gameplay. Please add more diversity in challenge selection.
I’ve had nothing but demonic animals since Chapter 4 launched. I ended up just crafting crap I didn’t need and ignored the demonic hunting after I had that one week of demonic wolves that refused to spawn
Yep, sounds like an all too common scenario Lucidique. The thing is I really like the idea of levelling in the process of carrying out our daily/weekly play activities. However on the other hand, I dislike:
having only 3 challenges compared to the prior 5
losing the ability to re-roll when we get a bugged challenge or 3 of the same (as above)
having RNG in the challenges!
It is NOT more intricate or more challenging, it is just a tedious excercise in frustration.
Sure I can cheese the Battle Pass by mass crafting items and leaving them go, but that is not actually playing the game.
Just another reason why I cheesed my way through the BP. I’d rather just play the game and have fun with the new stuff, not feel the rng. The bugs that made me not even wanna play at the time certainly contributed as well.
Agree, most of the challenges got redundant quick. I got the kill 100 purgers again, think that is 3 in a row.
And I’m done with the pass. Right now I’m farming the midnight grove to replace all the stuff I lost to a troll. Be nice if funcom paid me some croms for still doing the challenges.
That reminds me, I need to replace my Coup de Grace I lost twice to the fall-through bug. I already replaced my Khari water skin, including a backup just in case.
Yeah the demonic wolf one! Ugh!
Killed so many wolves over and over but only 1-2 have been demonic. Before I would run into them but now I guess they are hunted to extinction
While I understand your point about diversifying the challenges, it seems like you must not play very much. WIth the new system all you have to do is play the game and you’ll get through the BP, you don’t even need to do the challenges (if you’re an active player).
That is pretty much the point of battle passes (in any game, not just this one), rewards for actively playing the game.