Playing on PC. Running on an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Super. Settings are all on Ultra.
Many of the shadowy textures appear…grainy, or have a “hashtag” effect. I’ve seen this issue with other games using Nvidia before, and I think it may be an AA problem. But I can’t figure out how to resolve it. All drivers are up to date.
I’ve tried tweaking the settings every which way but it does not go away. I’ve also tried turning OFF AA in game, and setting the graphics settings via GeForce Experience, but for some reason those settings don’t seem to carry over to the game. When I did that, and fired the game back up, the settings in game were still set to Low, with AA off. GeForce didn’t seem to push any settings.
Also, Sandstorms look absolutely horrible for me, just a big grainy mess, and I don’t know why. I would include screenshots, but apparently new users can’t upload images.
I get grainy textures with an AMD Radeon. It’s worse with Radeon Image Sharpening enabled, so I keep that disabled, but still present with it disabled. Seems to be a Conan thing.
I fixed my issue! For anyone who is interested in this topic, if you’re also experiencing strange grainy or crosshatch looking textures on water shadows, or where the water meets land, here are the settings I used to get rid of that ugliness:
In Nvidia Control Panel:
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Antialiasing FXAA: On
Antialiasing Gamme Correction: On
Antialiasing Mode: Enhance the application settings
Antialiasing Setting: 2x
Antialiasing Transparency: 8x
Low Latency: Off
Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sample Optimization: On
Texture Filtering - Negative Bios LOD: Clamp
Texture Filtering - Quality: High Quality
Texture Filtering - Trilinear optimization: On
Everything else set to default.
In Conan’s game settings, turn off Post Processing, and set AA to 2x.
It lowers the quality of the water and water reflections a bit (you don’t get all those fancy water rippples), but everything is smooth, texture qualities are high, the water still looks good, and those crosshatch shadows are gone.