Please increase spawn chances for named derketo priest

I‘m doing the new journey system right now and choosed derketo at the beginning.
But i am desperately searching for a named derketo thrall to summon the avatar. I am now searching for days, killing all npcs at the Pagoda of Boundless Lusts, but all i found was some T3 priests. With this one i am only able to summon the bubble.

It is so easy to find named priests for all the other shrines because there are many more spots. In sepermeru you can always find a named priest. Looking for a mitra priest? Just check Sinners Refuge, they are on sale…
zath priests may be the only named that are as hard to find like named derketo priests.

The fact that the priest dies after summoning the avatar und searching for days just to find some specific named thrall does‘t make fun at all. It is just not balanced. So please increase the chance to get one or add one or two more spots like little camps for grinding please :pleading_face:.


@Darkzombie might not agree with this one. A named Zath priest isn’t easy to find.

I think thats what he said


Yeah, that happens when replying before reading the whole post. :joy:

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I believe the ship also spawns in derketo priests. Could be worth a try although chances might be low it is a t4.

By ship, I assume you mean the Black Galleon. It has several priest spawns there, but none of them can spawn as named priests.

If the next Age is a religion overhaul, I hope that includes a full rebalance of priests, with better spawn chances for Derketo and Zath, and the ability to acquire all priest specializations.


I hope so, too. :smiling_face_with_tear:

They spawn as Mitra Priest pool. Mitra will spawn more frequently. Zath has such a low pool chance to spawn.

To my knowledge the only named location is that area by the Arena. I cannot remember the name.

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Ironically, it’s named Mitra’s Serenity :smiley:


Ha! Well isn’t that a kicker.

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Your wrong. T4 are spawning, have a mitra one from there.

You are mistaken, there are no T4 priests in the spawn pools on the Black Galleon.

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