Please, let me fight Kurak's Blood Moon Beast (Bad End)

Kurak’s Lair, I appreciate this small Dungeon, aside from the first phase with spiders, because the sorcerer just takes YEARS to come…

I like that there is a Dragon with Massive HP, and considering the general lack of challenges in the game at the moment, I enjoyed killing the Rotten Dragon before its Sorcerer.

This Dungeon also has a time limit, and when it expires, a special instance of the Blood Moon Beast appears, which we will call Bad End (due to its name in the Admin Panel).
It will only use its massive AoE attack, which will one shot everything in range (and it bypasses Steel Thewed by the way).
→ It is possible to dodge this attack, and that made me want to try to fight this monster!
↳ Unfortunately, Bad End cannot be damaged at all… The only way to kill it is the usual Admin Kill.

I would really like to be able to fight this absurd boss, that’s all I’m asking for :partying_face:

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Just go on siptah and you can. When they updated it to bypass steel thewed they screwed up and made the siptah version 1 shot with that move too and have never fixed it.
Spoiler though he’s still super easy to kill…

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