Long story short, the new Arena foundations (sand and basic) look very similar in the hot bar. I made a mistake, a minor one, of using the sand foundations in place of the regular ones.
This has left my tower, a huge, months long project, with small sandy lines in only one part of its wall.
I can live with it, (begrudgingly) but I will always notice it.
It would literally take weeks for me to fix it.
Is there a reason we can not simply swap out pieces, even if to change the color of our base after a while? Or in my case, to fix a minor error without catastrophic consequences?
Yea, for the troll types, I did make the mistake, I could have prevented it if I was more careful, yada yada.
I am not a huge fan of safety nets, but I feel like this is more QoL than anything.
Ez mistake to make with the two looking so similar.
I’m not 100% sure on this, but I think you can add pieces in to act as a temporary structure, while you destroy and fix each block.
I’m not sure how your setup looks, assuming there are walls and the like on top of these foundations?
So what I believe you can do is place a temp. foundation next to the wall that sits on your mistaken foundation. Then destroy the foundation and replace it, then remove the temporary foundation.
If you have multiple walls on top of one another, stick in some ceiling tiles on the 2nd wall up, which should allow you to safely remove the foundation and lower wall.
Like this:
Where you have a foundation that is wrong, then you have two wall pieces. If you do this:
The ceiling beside the 2 wall should help hold it up. If the 1 wall and Foundation are removed, the 2 wall will remove. Then you just have to put the right Foundation and then the 1 wall back.
I’d do a replica of the tower, at least the lower parts, to test this and make sure it works how you want. But I believe it is possible.
If a wall has a ceiling piece next to it, that ceiling helps to carry the weight.
So while
Would completely collapse if you remove the foundation:
Should only lose the F and 1, because hte other walls and ceiling will help carry the pieces.
What I can tell you both is to just go into a single player game, use the admin panel to give you materials, recreate some aspect of your design, then test means to remove the foundation and see what will enable you to keep most of the structure standing.
Then you can apply that to an online game, if need be.
If you are already in a single player game, then simply use the admin panel and build near the one that needs fixing, and tinker with it.
Why don’t you just replace the sandy foundations by the other foundations ? It won’t affect the walls, pillar or working stations on these foundations. I’ve done it many times when I want to change the style of a building without destroying and rebuilding everything. It works exactly like upgrading from T1 to T2 or T2 to T3 or T1 to T3.
And if a wall has walls on each side and up, it’s possible to destroy it without collapsing the upper wall. I’ve done it to move a door frame that was not at the right place; I destroyed the door frame then replaced it by a wall, then destroyed the at its left side and replaced it by the new door frame. Both upper walls didn’t collapsed.
I had 3 more stories above, each 2 walls high, that weren’t affected stability wise by the change**. I checked after with a repair hammer.
I’m on PS 4 so no mod for me to help building.
That does not work for all building pieces, I am not sure why. Perhaps because the Arena pieces are new. You can swap out ceiling pieces, for hatch door frames easily enough. But I was unable to upgrade Turian Tier 3 pillars, into Arena Tier 3 Pillars. And I was also unable to swap Regular Arena Stone Foundations with the Sand ones I wanted to replace.