First, my 5 year old i7 4790K processor has no problem with ICC, nor any other game that’s interested me, because I would love to build a new PC, and can afford to do so, if only I needed one.
Second, SL will not cure your 2 button problem.
Third, I’ve been playing AO off and on since 2001, beginning with people from my Everquest guild, i.e., people very well used to grinding boring content. Most left after a few months, and the issues that caused it have still not been cured, such as the plethora of useless items compared to good ones. As well as, at the time, Funcom constantly changing the rules, i.e., nerfing things constantly, without providing good alternatives. Like a good choice for my advent back then was a nova flow (AR/ranged energy - how dumb was that - but it was better for my then soloing advent, since it could be bought in shops).
i.e., the game was, and still is, poorly itemized. Huge amounts of junk that new players have to wade through, but vets know immediately are crap.
You must do the dungeons to get good gear. It’s nice that they are contested, so you can wander in and have the possibility of finding a group to get what you need. And hope that after everyone else gets their CDR, they’ll stick around to help you get yours, but don’t count on it.
After spending a few weeks in RK2019, a friend interested me in playing FF14 again (which is now down for maintenance, so the only reason I’m posting here now).
I started a new character and was immediately plagued by guild invites, then joined one that is a good fit, which made me realize why AO is failing.
For one, I don’t have to wade thru a plethora of useless gear.
I can solo, and queue for a dungeon spot, which might take me 15 minutes or so (as a dps toon, my healer gets a spot immediately. As well as with my guildmates, regardless of the class I choose to play).
It’s been years since I’ve seen anyone in AO actively recruiting newbs, and RK2019 is no different.
After the first two SL zones, SL is tough to solo, which is why it has bad rep, that combined with the insular AO community.