Pls give this to elephants/mammoths/rhinos saddles with some extra stuff

why cant we have soemething like this into conan,
why cant we have the elephant as a mount, or just making so you can have thalls on the side of the elephants it could be so cool to have maybe it dont belong to conan maybe it does but we all ready have the spanish armor skin in conan (dosent belong to conan) we have rhino mount or at least do somethign with the rhino like a sencondary saddle you can upgrade so you can have 2 thralls on it one each side of it like the box oin the photo frome the elephants. the photo was taking frome a another game to try to give some inspiration.

let me hear what you think :smiley:


I am not sure how it could be incorporated being as they can’t even keep current game running properly but I like the example. Having my Thralls traveling on a Oliphant from Lord of the Rings. @Hiveshadow


yearh i hear alot of people having problems with the game, but around the elephants it will help alot becuse you could travel you thralls better around frome place to place you want to build so you dont have to spec into the perk their give you a exrtra follow, and it will be a good way to allso put archers on its saddle so you can have a deffend agianst purge with the elephant mount with thralls on the side you can use it to explore raid some tribes

@den i know you guys frome funcom are pretty busy at the moment but is their any plan to make something like this to elephant/Rhino or something similar to a mount?

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I think more variety like this would be a welcome addition :slight_smile:


adn plus it will maybe do so people want to tame the elephant and rhino more and it can boost the pets, or drums on the elephant so you can some kind buff your thralls in a purge :smiley:
their is so many thing their could be added to the elephant or rhino saddle their could make it more interresting to use the time on does 2 animals

even if just the teh elephant have the saddle and its not a mount but a mount for thralls to be put on the side of the elephant that could allso be amazing

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