POLL => Fate of the Battle Pass

This one loathes Battle Passes.
Seething, acrid hatred.
Game should not be job. Battle Pass makes game into job.

That this one knows others lament it’s loss is all that is containing this one’s Jubilation.
That, and the sinking suspicion that those micro updates aren’t actually going to happen and that the content release window will maintain quality (or lack there of) while collapsing quantity.
Oh and the observation of the upwards trend in prices in the Bazaar.
And the fact that we are already in the expansion Chapter of Age of War, and that it now has to be expanded to 6 months, so this one expects the comfortable update schedule for Funcom (while keeping the quality intact [read: with no reduction in bugs]) will settle into something like it was before Tencent acquired them.
This one would love to be proven wrong.

Battle Pass is dead. Hurray.
But that is the only joy. It is not packaged with expectations for anything better.
Thus it is a purely selfish joy as others will be discomforted by the loss of it.

Farewell Conan Exiles Battle Pass!
You were amongst the least rancid smelling of post consumer food piles.


My order of importance is simple.

Give us a working game. Fix the major bugs. That’s it. Take away the BP, the Bazaar, whatever you need to do to fix the bugs.

Just stop and fix the game. If we can’t do the absolute bear necessities, like “Standing in our own base”, why play?

I sincerely don’t care about anything new at this point, I just want to be able to play without bugs.

Do you realize how much of a turnoff it is to fall into your own base and have no other option but to destroy your own floor to get out?

Your losing players and $$$ the longer you wait to fix the major bugs.


That wont fix any bugs, what it will do is cause a loss in revenue so they would have to lay off the people that fix the bugs.

What if the only fix would be like the nemedian foundation fix X6 because it would be all foundations? Do you want that fix?

At this point I think most of the players that were going to quit over this, have.


I cannot vote as well!
If we had a poll asking which system of bp was better, i would definitely choose the last one. I did the last bp without even trying to do it in 5 days :woman_shrugging:t4:.
Will i miss bp?
I really don’t know, but i believe i won’t. When i started the game there was no bp, so i believe i won’t be bothered from the absence.
Did i find it beneficial?
I still cannot say, neither hot neither cold.
So with or without bp, nothing will really change for me.
That’s why i cannot vote!


A day-and-a-half later the total is up to the big, big number of 43. It’s not like this is unusual, it’s true for all of them (not just this one, all of them, for all games). There is no meaningful data to be gained from forum polls. Again, all forum polls have the same weaknesses:

  • Small sample size
  • Self-selecting responders which, by definition, cannot be assumed to be representative of the player base as a whole.

Ummm yeah, thought that was painfully obvious. What point do you think you’re making by restating the obvious as a question?

If they would agree to address game-breaking bugs and issues and exploits - I could absolutely care less what they do with the BattlePass. They could cancel it wholly if that made it easier for them to fix the game. They could keep it going if that made it easier for them to fix the game.

Seperately from that - I thought that it was a pretty good idea. But I am happy to see it out if that means we are getting quality of life and bug fixes.

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To answer your question, here is an example of their small updates:


Because, as say they state:

adding a smaller update between each. Today’s update is the first of these

-scrolls down-

Ahhh, and here are the details of the small update


My opinion differs from you Deacon. Taking away the BP will serve to redistribute the time of work, so the time dedicated to create the battle pass would now serve to improve other developments, including -but not exclusive to- the release of in game free new content, and also the fixing of bugs. Why do I think so regarding the bugs? Because they say:

And if you read the paragraph just above, they already layed out a detailed explanation of what they will be working on when they say “updates between”:

Yes, you saw right:


My guess is that the bugs and half-baked updates making people leave the game overpowered the benefits gained from those coming back for the battle pass. This is just speculation however, because Funcom never gave their internal reasons for introducing the BP system in the first place.

What we do know is:
1 - the time spent to create/engage the BP will now be used to work on chapter updates, smaller updates between, activities and rewards
2 - the smaller updates between include new and old events with cosmetic rewards, quality of life improvements, bug fixes
3 - the first of those smaller updates showcases the DBNO feature and the old (reworked) event Bounty Hunting
4 - the general pace of releases will be slower to help working on what was quoted above

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Keep battle pass,get rid of bazaar!


Don’t think that is how it works. Not the same people, different skill set. A texture artist isn’t going to be much help in pathing NPCs.


The time may be spent, but it is different personal spending it.

You do get there are multiple departments working of different parts of the game, right?
The artists working on the BP content are not the same ones working on the map, or events, or buildings, or…

Ending the battle pass now means artist have to “go on the dole”.

I do not know that phrase. But since new content including cosmetics will be released for free in the game from now on, I doubt the artists will be short on work.

Free content doesn’t mean new. And there is a big difference between releasing a few bits of new content here and there and releasing a BP’s worth of new content every 3 months.

The issue with the battle pass system wasn’t so much the battle pass, but the ages/chapters. I’ve said since they implemented the ages, hard release dates are never a good thing. And what we got is why.

I’d be whiling to bet as much time and energy was spent making the battle pass content as the bazaar content. And the battle pass wasn’t making any money.

I generally loved most stuff in the Battle Pass, right down my alley as primarily a builder/decorator but I can see why others might have not enjoyed it so much.

That being said, I fully support it being removed to free up dev time. I don’t think the pass was ever intended to make money, more to drive engagement and player retention. If it was sucking up as much dev time as the blog makes it sound, I’d trade the battle pass for a (hopefully) more competent & comprehensive development of permanent features in a heartbeat.


Sam is a fine artist. He sets on the bank of this river painting the scene of the bridge being built.
If Sam doesn’t know how to weld, not his area of expertise, so just how is he going to help finish building the bridge?

I’m not saying the content artists can’t help the coders fix bugs, but I’m not sure just how much help they may be.

The assets still needed to be coded though. Doesn’t mean those particularly employees were dealing with the mesh of the maps, for instance, but also possible.


:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles @Community @Funcom_Community

Como isso foi criado eu não fiquei sabendo de nada sobre esse assunto, acredito que essa votação não deveria ser iniciada por que o jogo deve ser para todos e não para uma “panelinha” quem não quer comprar não precisa comprar então essa votação é mais uma sabotagem contra o jogo, a própria comunidade está acabando com o jogo fazendo essas votações de minoria, a grande maioria só entra no forum quando leva uma punição e não são todos que querem ver o que se passa aqui portanto a FUNCOM está se afundando dando ouvidos a questões banais.

A maioria que faz barulho com passe de batalha e bazar são a maioria tóxicos de PVP que leva BAN e tem no máximo a ilha de siptah por que sempre leva BAN na conta :stuck_out_tongue:

Compra quem quiser! ninguém é obrigado! Se a funcom remover o bazar e passe de batalha é por que sim ela não liga para o jogo então terei que partir para outro jogo em breve… F

Eu prefiro GTA mas só quero mesmo um motivo para sair do conan depende mais da funcom

Can’t vote either “yes” or “no”, because I’m neither for nor against Battle Pass per se. What I liked about the Battle Pass was essentially free content – just like the base game, I had to pay for only once – and the challenges. Neither of those things has to be implemented as a Battle Pass.

The biggest reason I have against removing Battle Pass is that it was supposed to drive engagement, but again, that doesn’t have come in the form of a Battle Pass. They could do something else to the game to drive engagement and keep things fresh enough for people to play more regularly.

And if they don’t care about engagement anymore, then I doubt my vote on a forum poll will change their minds.

If you treat them like a customer research survey, then yeah, they’re utterly worthless. They do, however, have their own unique advantages.

Yeah, that’s one them.

There are numbers and number. Knowing which way the “highly motivated” part of your playerbase leans can be useful.

One of the biggest problems we see in creative industries dominated by corporations is precisely the idea that you can quantify everything and let that drive your decisions. It’s basically the McNamara fallacy.

The redistribution you describe will happen, but not the way you describe it. As others have explained, you don’t hire a painter to weld or a welder to paint.

When it comes to game development, the line between artists and engineers is blurred – try making a complex shader without being able to write code – but it still exists. Yeah, there are bugs that will require artists, but not the ones the community is complaining about stridently, the ones players call “game breaking”.

One big exception I can think of is, as @Cauthey has put it elsewhere, fixing the Crom-cursed mesh. That said, I’m a bit skeptical of the idea that Funcom would pull people off the BP to finally do that.

I also saw them say many other things that didn’t come true over time. People making in-game furniture, building pieces, armors, weapons, and emotes are unlikely to fix whatever is causing you to fall through the floor while the server is under heavy load, or whatever is causing random items to be dropped from your inventory.

I’ll believe the whole “no BP means more bugfixes” when I see more bugfixes and fewer new bugs.


No, it really can’t. People who are motivated enough to visit the forums and vote in a poll would like to believe that’s true, and the thought is certainly good for one’s ego, but it’s just a self-decieving illusion.

If a developer wants to look for feedback then the contents of the posts in the thread might be useful, but the tiny, insignificant number can’t be. The thread has value, the discussion has value, the poll does not.

Hmm, now you’re seemingly arguing against the idea that the poll has value. Was that your intention or…?

It’s exactly the false idea that anything useful can be quantified by the poll numbers that I’m arguing against. The quantification of the poll means nothing, it’s only the posts in the discussion that have any chance of being useful.

I’m sorry, I guess I wasn’t clear: the value I say the poll has is when you take it as an integral part of the thread and the discussion.

Only if you oversimplify things into a false dichotomy. There are possibilities between “this poll is completely useless” and “you can quantify everything and let that be the sole driver of your decisions”.

The quantification of the poll, when taken together with the overall discussion, gives you an insight into the opinions of those who are motivated enough to want to discuss this game in general but didn’t feel like writing a post on this topic.

If you find no use in that, that’s okay. I’m not trying to change your mind, I’m just explaining what I meant.

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I miss it already, to be blunt.

The last one I finished too early, but the previous ones gave me something to do.

Out of my friends there are two left and it has become a game to see who gets the other’s stuff. Regardless of the pass my home server is down to few and the serial refreshers. I’ll keep hanging in there for the sake of it, but it’s boring.

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