Possible armor temperature rework to add a new piece which controls temperature resistance?

So instead of having a temperature resistance stat tied to the armors, what if we had a entirely separate piece like an amulet which granted resistance? Or what if we were able to customize the temperature resistance which is tied to our armor at a crafting bench so we would still be required to carry around/make multiple sets of armor depending on the area we are traveling to? It’s such a shame we can’t use the armors we like most in an area we might live in without making it difficult for ourselves. Just a suggestion! I’m sure there are mods out there to fix this, but I am on console and yes we matter too :frowning:

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Or they could make the liners temperature resistant. Quality of resistance determined by material.

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I still think the best way is by using temp resistance modifier kit. One for a single piece of armour that once applied change the temp resist to the opposite : cold resist becomes heat resist and heat resist becomes cold resist. can be applied only once, so it isn’t reversible. The kit won’t decrease durability and you can still apply another armour kit.
That way we’ll be able to tweak the temp resistance of our armour as we wish. But if the Asura and Khari armours are an indication, it seems we’ll get more armours that don’t give any temp resistance in the future. Personally I prefer it that way. And I use spiced food to get warmer or Ice Tea to get cooler.

I just want it changed so that armor doesn’t work like an air conditioner. If I am comfortable, then putting on clothes shouldn’t give me frostbite.

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anything different than what we have would be welcomed.

That is good to hear. Hopefully it isn’t too far off, but I understand there are more important issues.

That would make sense like the other mods you can put on armor and weapons on the armorer or blacksmith benches. What doesn’t make any sense at all is the current temperature system on armor. Who’s bright idea was it to make reptile armor, which is made in the south, have cold protection on it? So many of them make no sense. Sometimes I wonder if the devs just toss stuff out there without putting any thought into it whatsoever.

But I completely agree that a mod should be added to the benches to leave it up to the player and the player can adjust to where they choose to reside on the map.

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