Game mode: [Online with mods]
Problem: [Crash & Misc]
Region: [US private server]
I encountered three pretty nasty bugs/glitches after yesterday’s hotfix. Some of these may be pre-existing problems.
1: The server often crashes exactly when you press E on a wheel of pain to put a thrall in. It happened twice to me on my server today, and more time to others, and I’m seeing other reports about it on other servers on reddit. It doesn’t always happen, but it happens often enough to be very problematic.
2: Thralls spawn on super-low health after a server restart. Every time the server restarts, whether is for a crash or a scheduled reboot, previously-placed thralls spawn with 100 or so health, then they painfully slowly start healing when the player gets in visual range. They seem to heal ONLY when a player is in visual range (can’t confirm this 100%). This is a similar behavior to when they are placed, the problem is that it happens every time the zone is initialized. It’s absolutely crippling for thralls as a defense. Not only it makes attacking bases more trivial in PvP, but in PvE it gives people a way to damage other players. It’s super-easy to pull mobs on thralls weakened by this bug, and they’ll die in a second because they have only 100 or so HP.
3: Every time a server restarts, all crafting stations stop. This is especially problematic for wheels of pain since they take so long to “cook.” thralls. If you can’t log in right after a server reset, your wheel of pain will remain inactive for hours, and those who can’t play several hours every day might end up taking several days to cook a single T3 thrall even with a T4 taskmaster. Those who have wheels of pain in multiple locations have to basically go to each of them to restart them after every server reset, which is a massive chore. Please solve it so that crafting stations resume work automatically after server restart, without the need of player input.
4 (addition): The white tiger world boss on the ledge north of the Savannah does not spawn anymore. I tested it in an empty single player session as well, and confirmed it, to make sure it wasn’t someone’s build interfering with the spawn. Her chest is still there, so I am guessing it’s a bug and not an intentional removal.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Put thrall in wheel of pain
- server crashes
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Log in after server reboot
- All of your thralls are on super-low health
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Log in after server reboot
- All of your crafting stations (especially wheels of pain) have stopped.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Go to the Savannah
- White tiger isn’t there.