[v2.8.1] Wheel of Pain - Insta Ready Thralls

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: Europe
Mods?: No
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

I was using 2 Wheel of Pains and 1 Greater Wheel of Pain. All 3 had captured T4 NPCs. One of them had a T4 Taskmaster equipped. All 3 Wheels had Gruel as food.

Was logging out last night and when I returned today, none of them were moving. Was checking, Gruel was still there.

So I hit the start button, all Gruel was insta-consumed and all Thralls were ready.

So I grabbed the T4 Taskmaster to put it into the other wheels, hit the start button, all Gruel was insta-consumed again and all Thralls were ready.

Easy 16 Thralls convertred in an instant.

Steps to Reproduce:

I wish I would know, hard to reproduce.

Imagine this massive bug / exploit on PvP Servers…

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Sounds too me like you should build up your inventory while you can.

What do you mean?

Make a bunch of ingots and tamed thralls while it is easy next update may fix it back

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