So, it has been a while since I been away from the world of Age of Conan: Unchained and by far my opinion still the best MMORPG ever!
Little backstory…
I have to admit I did not come along to Age of Conan at its start, because of relocationing, work, and then had to go to great lengths to purchased Collection’s Edition Set and Expansion of Rise of the Godslayer, a year after which put me in year four when I finally made it to Age of Conan and loved it ever since.
I started out on the server: Set (which later merged with Crom)… main-character was split between Rogue and Priest-Archetype of Assassin and Tempest of Set; Areelav and Nirdail.
(If anyone remembers me, give me a shout-out, because I will be returning in 2019… by Set)
I am so proud of Funcom surviving with Age of Conan, geez ten years old and still best looking and overall powerhouse of a MMORPG ever!
One thing since catching up on news, reports, and updates was ideas popping in my head and just for conversation starters while I try to secure my way back from hibernation and re-enter the fray of Age of Conan was this…
Anyone dabbled with reading some of the books and stories done by Robert E. Howard? One particular that caught my attention was “Scarlet Citadel”. Now I am no expert nor will ever claim, and I heard of Conan Exiles which as much of a fan for Conan-content love… Age of Conan is King and should be respected as so, but hey Funcom to me needed to see if there is still a thirst for Conan and especially content-wise beside the genres that is available today and amazed at the success, but felt like it let me down that those resources could have relaunch people back into Age of Conan: Unchained. Though, Funcom needed help and I so sorry I was not around to be there and felt horrible I have gone from the game so long.
Anyways… my wondering was this though on if viable from a perspective that does not write-off what has been done with world of Age of Conan, expansion of Rise of the Godslayer, Coasts of Turan, and addition of Dragonspine-content; a launch of additional region seems to ideal to bring Age of Conan: Unchained back to the front-running contention, you know?
I mean think of the story-plot of “Scarlet Citadel”… we would get new regions to explore like addition the Region-Kingdom of Shem and their Mad-King plot story-arc against King Conan. Even can explore new character race of the Shemites being the equivalent of Soldier-Archetype Stygian based on stories of R.E.H. of Shemites; I would even be so bold to say with how the Shemites worship is split though prevalent to be the Nameless Spider-God, Black Iron Tarantula and even their Priest from stories being zealots like their southern-neighbors of Stygia with Great Serpent One, Set… we could even get a special new sub-class under the Priest-Archetype for Shemite-class. Me personally… I would enjoy a melee-combat style Priest that rival attack style of the Rogue-Barbarian/Assassin since the Spider-God, Black Iron Tarantula can be noted of the sacrifices of it’s people and animals in pits consuming and corroding flesh from Tarantulas poison-fangs throwned in by Priests of Shem, though in the arc the King appeases this practice to maintain the fragile-Kingdom’s regional peace.
Also, besides Shem… Ophir (plot starts here in the story when the Queen sends word that Shem threatens to evade her region), Koth, Zamora, and maybe throw in Argos. I mean a new major launch expansion with 4 to 5 new regions to explore and quests, plus new race introduction with a new class under the Priest-Achetype and still can keep the opening of Tortage with Shemite new race and destiny-quest.
Tell me what you think?