Private server lessons. {thanks neebs}

I think you misinterpreted what i was saying, there were no dreams of grandeur.

By spending money on the game we are investing in the future of the game. If we don’t and there are not many players left then there will be no more content and no game. I didn’t imply that we would be sat on the board of directors an investment doesn’t necessarily mean you gain any sort of power.

I understood just fine, but it seems like I didn’t manage to get my point across.

You can call players “investors”, but they’re not. They’re players. They don’t invest in the future of the game. Funcom does.

You give money to Funcom. Funcom decides how to spend that money. End of story.

I’m pretty certain that more people leave servers due to server performance than are getting banned. Server performance is the quickest way to tank a server.

I’m even willing to say that if by some miracle that Funcom was able to go in and ban every offending buildings’ owners on every server they rent, you would not see an appreciable decrease in players. Its in most peoples’ nature to follow the rules.

Especially considering this is how its been for the last two years. If land claim and overbuilding banning was as apocalyptical as people claimed in the past. We wouldn’t be having this discussion. You all would have moved on by now, having been permabanned months ago.


Given I am @'d here I will say right now across the official I play on the building rules have gone out the window since the exploit because the ticket system is so far behind, got people building everywhere building big, claiming around each other etc.

So masses of castles are out there for the time being and I dont think thats all the way a bad thing offers some challenges but most of those are sorcery introduced problems (teleports, bats, corpse summon etc).


100% right, whether they invest further in conan or funnel or the money to dune, that’s their business, you buy a product or feature of the product like battle pass or a DLC, and you receive that, transaction ended.

Now they can say "battlepass will help future development but it could be that they have a threshold in mind to invest in more better/advanced battlepass exclusives based on sales, the threshold could be unrealistic too, and development could stagnate.


In the real world people don’t build houses over streets and sidewalks. Think people need a tutorial on just what a path looks like. You blocking a clear path are interfering with my game play. I have seen too many “I left block width between my wall and the canyon wall so you can get around”. Is it a TOS violation? Technically, no. Is it a Richard thing to do? Hell yes. Would I report it? No. Curse loudly about it though.

We are customers, period.

Interesting about how building issues of one sort or another seem to be a primary concern on quite a few peoples minds.

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Apologies in advance. There are differences between Shareholders (which i didn’t refer to) and Investors. Shareholders partly own a company, Investors might only own their investment. Invest meaning (Cambridge dictionary) ‘to put money effort, time, etc into something to make a profit or get an advantage’. I have invested my time in replying so therefore i am an investor, but i don’t now own this chat is that not right? Players invest their time in creating bases the money they use to buy content isn’t much different than the money from an external investor. Funcom takes that money and invests that based on previous player/customer feedback. Part of the money that the player spent might be invested back into the game therefore it was an investment. Anyway enough about terminology.

The original point that i was trying to make was that as players we need each other. If anyone just goes around trying to ban players then wouldn’ they effectively be creating their own playground? which is what the laggy bases were being accused of. Don’t forget once a low population server is created Funcom might just delete it.

At the end of the day everyone is just as important as each other, the shareholders, the investors, the devs, Funcom and the gamers. Without these you would not have a game.

I’m pretty certain that more people leave servers due to server performance than are getting banned.

Not really, on pvp players just use alts. If you took them away there would not be many players left.

In my experience players just accept the performance issues and it is rare to see them leave based on that.

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Can’t really agree. I have to wonder how many free week players the performance issues lost funcom. Sort of like having your soon to be, never met, in laws, show up at your bachelor party. :smile:

In the real world people don’t build houses over streets and sidewalks.

They do take the HS2 rail link in the UK that just went through everything in it’s path. Even peoples homes.

I do agree though it can be annoying having to walk around but that’s just part of multiplayer.

Investors own their investment. Players don’t own anything. You don’t even own the game, or the additional digital content you purchased for it. You merely have the permission to play the game and use that digital content, and that permission can be revoked or altered at any point. If you don’t believe me, go read the EULA.

No, you’re not an investor. The word “invest” has several meanings. One of them is “to use something (such as time or effort) for a particular purpose”. Another is to “to spend money on something in order to improve it or for financial profit”. The word “investor”, however, refers only to one of those meanings.

You’re not an investor because you put time into something. You’re an enthusiast, or a supporter, or a hobbyist, or a myriad of other things, but not an investor.

It’s very, very different. When you go to a grocery store and buy bread, are you “investing” into that grocery store? No, you give money and get a product in return. When you go to a barbershop to get a haircut, are you “investing” into that barbershop? No, you give money and get a service in return. The owners of those businesses can do whatever they want with your money, and you can do whatever you want with the bread you bought or with your hair, but there is no further relationship between you.

Funcom takes your money and “invests” it. Not you. You could call your purchase an investment, and I could call my bicycle an airplane, and we would both be wrong.

The key word there is “trying”. No, they wouldn’t be creating their own playground, they would be trying to do so. And if they succeed, then either “their” playground is the playground that Funcom wants to see on their servers, or Funcom is failing at their jobs.

And a server that keeps staggering under the load and lagging like hell is so fun to play on, I imagine that everyone is flocking to it in droves. :roll_eyes:

But I guess people will twist their logic in a pretzel rather than accept their own share of responsibility when sharing something…

So what you are saying is that no one is an investor, i see. Because if i buy shares then these are usually bought through a broker therefore i am not investing money, the broker is.

If you invest in let’s say bullion or precious coins, you have no input in how these are made so these must not be investments if what you say is right.

If i invest my time into something am i not an investor of my time? An investment is not necessarily a presumption of ownership. What I am saying is that I never said players owned anything i just said they were investors.

And a server that keeps staggering under the load and lagging like hell is so fun to play on, I imagine that everyone is flocking to it in droves. :roll_eyes:

Now this idea is just a theory and possibility as i am not a coder. Could the staggering be caused by historical data. I.e. Data isn’t deleted it is only overwritten, therefore leaving behind excess data that isn’t needed. If so the banned victims could be innocent!!

It’s always the same thing… can’t build here can’t build there I mean come on now just make them no build zones if it’s really that big of a problem. Clearly it is if it’s a constant issue that comes up all the time. “Well what about private servers” well deal with it or come up with a better solution. Seriously it all comes down to either making no build zones or redesigning the whole land claim system. Simple

This is pretty much a fact with any game that has official servers.

This is also a fact.

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No, Funcom isn’t your “broker”, either.

You direct your broker to buy you X shares of Y. Or to invest your money according to whatever parameters you give them. The broker is performing a well-defined service for you that has to do with your investment and the management of that investment and I can’t bloody believe I’m even talking about this shіt… :man_facepalming:

What in the sacred halls of fuсkdom does that have to do with anything? If you’re investing into coins without any research, you’re shіt at investing, but hey, “an attempt was made”, as the meme goes. Congratulations, you can call yourself an “investor” and you can daydream about how much money you’ll make off those coins in the future.

No, you’re not. If you your time or effort into something, you might expect it to improve or to get some return on it, but you’re not an investor. Words have meanings.


Oh, and by the way, let’s not pretend you were talking about time or effort:

See the word “money” there? It’s right between where the goal posts used to be before you started shifting them.

Yes, you said players were investors. Players aren’t investors, they’re consumers. And no matter how much “get rich quick” bullshіt swindlers put out on the Internet, the difference between a consumer and an investor is not just how you perceive yourself.

There’s one way to invest into Funcom: buy their shares. There’s no way to invest into Conan Exiles, but you can be a consumer.

No. And frankly, the fact that your calling them “victims” reveals the depth of your bias. Since you’re arguing in bad faith, I have no desire to explain the technical details of why your speculation is wrong, or to even continue this discussion.


Some players say that they are not interested in the DLC’s they just see it as an opportunity to support the game in the hope that more content will be added and bugs will be fixed. Therefore the players are investing money in the hope that it will get better. The content and bug fixes are a return on their investment.

I have no desire to explain the technical details of why your speculation is wrong, or to even continue this discussion.

Me too, i think that you have gone way off topic and we won’t agree on this one. Maybe we should just agree that i am right and you are wrong :grin: (that is called a joke by the way)

Not sure why you won’t comment on the last point though as that is back on topic. If you don’t explain this then how will people know that you are not just a bitter no base player that is jealous of players with big bases?

And some people say they watch pоrn for the plot. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Because I do build bases on official servers. I’m not going to call that massive, not after all the crap I’ve seen on various officials, but it’s not exactly a hut. :man_shrugging:

Would this monstrosity qualify for a ban? I created it in less than 2 weeks from starting the server on 1x harvesting as a side project from pvp. Although it is large possibly massive to some there is zero lag.

If it wasn’t for zoning laws and actual consequences, they definitely would.



This is a normal sized base! I won’t say it’s good, you already know this. What will make things difficult is a hundred thralls around guarding it, inside the build 20 chests filled with materials you’ll never use and 1000 torches and candles because you decided to make it Christmas tree. So even a normal sized base can be harmful for the server.
Play responsibly.
I do not report but I am not against @DeaconElie, someone has to. Dirty job, somebody 's got to do it!

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