Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Possible Bug / Possible player error]
Region: [UK]
Hi there.
Had issue with thralls not working for me - progress bar would fill up, fuelled by yummy gruel, then … well, I could take the thrall out of the lesser Wheel, but could do nothing with it. Noticed that that it looks like the thrall symbol should ‘fill up’, but mine never do that.
If I dropped it, it became a loot bag. I could pick it back up, put back in wheel, take it out, put it back etc. Nothing.
Great. Fun.
Restarted, as was suggested elsewhere.
Have now tried taming. Same problem. Progress bar fills, I get a pet, but can do nothing with it.
OK, I can move it back to the pen, back out.
Drop it - and the poor thing is just a loot bag.
Have noticed that feed box doesn’t register that any animals are using it, even when there are 2+ animals right next to it.
Thralls / pets
Pets / thralls
Let’s call the whole thing off …
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Play game
- Try to do things
- Things don’t work
- Become sad