Creatures not taming

Whenever I put creatures or thralls in their respective places with adequate foods the bar doesn’t move, it doesn’t matter if I wait hours the bars don’t even pop up, I even turned up the crafting time of thralls and pets and nothing happened, I’m new to the game so I don’t know if I’m just doing something wrong or what’s going on. If someone can help mm out id be pretty grateful. Thanks

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Do the thralls walk around in a circle? If not then you might have to click the play button when you interact with the wheel so they start taming. But if it’s not that, then I can’t really think of anything. Food has to be cooked for humans and raw for animals… Standard craft times are long… hours for most of them… You turned up the multiplier, so that shouldn’t be a problem, but I have never tweaked it myself. Might be that putting it to the other side in the settings is the right choice to speed it up. idk

I clicked the play button on the thralls and was using gruel, and i was trying to tame shalebacks with desert berries and that wasnt working so i tried plant fiber, but i dont know the bar just never moved and they never tamed

This may not be the case but just to be sure. Are you playing single player and expecting them to tame while logged out? They will only tame while the game is running. You’ll know if it started because the thrall and pet icons will show up in the que at the bottom right. And as mentioned above, while running the wheel of pain will have thralls pushing it.

Also, be careful you slid the slider the proper direction and don’t accidentally change it to make them take 10x longer. Those sliders can be a bit confusing.

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Are you playing in single-player? If you are, the first and foremost thing you need to know is that when you get out of the game, everything is paused. The game is not taming your thralls or pets unless it’s running.

The second most important thing to know is that thralls take a long time to tame without a taskmaster. If you don’t have a taskmaster, a named thrall will take almost 26 hours to tame.


That makes it worse. The slider controls the multiplier for total taming time, so if you slide it to 2x, that means they will take twice as long to tame. If you want to make it 2x faster, you need to move the slider to 0.5x

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Server setting are a nightmare.
For cpunterexample, the day/night cycle gets longet if you reduce their perspectibe setting. Not to talk about the cycle speed setting itself…
Why isn’t everything longer/more if you crank the values up I don’t understand.

To the OP: the crafting in sp stops as you exit, but when you start the game, they start automatically. In theory. Because not always, a lot of times I see a bunch of stuff in the queue (mainy int he stove tho’) so always check your stations, and press the start button if neccessary!


On some private servers they have instant crafting of thralls. I haven’t played around with all the settings in single player but I thought that this might be of interest to the original OP. Does anyone know if this option is available in single player?

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Have had private servers since game started ps4. The lower the number for pet crafting speeds up the process for pets and thralls. However if you already have some in animal pen or wheel of pain it probably will not take effect until next batch
@XninjaPIX @Scarycolt This should fix your problem at the lowest setting insta thralls happens so fast you are not sure if it worked or not.

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