Producer Letter on the XB1 stability issues (VIII)

To be Honest and Correct, the Difficulty of a thing and the Logistical Nightmare created by poor decisions of any company has Literally 00 – Nothing – Naught to do with the end user / customer. This is a problem for the company to address and not the other way around. If Toyota designs a car and due to difficulties in concept and shortages of staff the car is released with faulty Brakes… Toyota does not get to say sorry we had problems, so be patient for us whilst we attempt to fix the issue whilst continuing to sell the product to the public knowing the product is faulty. This is irresponsible , morally and ethically bankrupt … Your complacency is miss placed.


No it’s placed correctly as this is just a game and that’s it. It’s no life will end if isn’t working as again it’s just a game. If it’s a car
Or hearts monitor or things that can or will result in life loss or loss of home, job, things that you actually need to live life then I’d be right beside you here and now along with others in that situation. But the Toyota comparison was terrible :laughing: as it would be illegal to continue selling and would be forced to call back and repair at least state side not sure about every country’s laws. But yes they will have to fix as we cannot as we don’t have access to those right especially on console since pc can mess with it them as they can access the code. You’re not okay/happy with how this all went down you have the right to be but just don’t get angry at the little guy as it’s often big head choices that make those called and I’m not behind the scenes to see the actual conditions or problems they are having in total and I’ve been it that seat. My job it takes 8 to 12 people to get it done and 3 out of the days I’m the only one available to do those jobs due to lack of staffing and it’s now customer fault but it’s now mine ethers ( omg I
Hate this autocorrect to the core) but I get most of it done and some days all of it and I’m well past my shift each day. And no long ago we had to close down early due to facility lack of staff 34 callins and there was only 10 staff me included for
The work and it take minimum of 40 to run it and
It sucked

Disagree. Sept announcement. Near a year waiting. Big “hoo-ha” about Siptah. Everyone so excited. Watched the reveal in real time. And at the end…its on PC now…screw console for whenever. Forever…
Funcom had many many many months to prepare. They have had years YEARS to fix dashboarding. Dont give me that crap.


I would expect you to get bogged down in the minutia of the statement… Whilst Completely missing the point … but lets break your response down for you … 1.) " this is just a game and that’s it"… - This is totally irrelevant, It is a product that is sold with an intended level of functionality and expectation which Funcom has (Failed) to meet. 2.) “Toyota comparison was terrible” … - whilst I accept it is on the extreme end of consequences for failure the fact still remains that it is a product and the company has an obligation to the customer, you still seem to miss that point. 3.) “But yes they will have to fix as we cannot as we don’t have access to those right especially on console since pc can mess with it them as they can access the code.” … - Again completely irrelevant, the customer is not responsible for digging into any code of any product to fix Funcoms Failures. 3.) “You’re not okay/happy with how this all went down you have the right to be but just don’t get angry at the little guy as it’s often big head choices” … -Holding Funcom as a “whole entity” responsible for this failure is the only and proper response to be given. That would include each and every person involved in the Operation, Development, Distribution, Direction of such said product. 4.) " I’m not behind the scenes to see the actual conditions or problems. My job it takes 8 to 12 people to get it done and 3 out of the days I’m the only one available to do those jobs due to lack of staffing and it’s now customer fault but it’s now mine ethers" … - Once again and not without Pity this is irrelevant to the Customer. The internal goings on about how bad the work load is , difficulty , short staffing , Time Frames. This is not the domain of the Customer concern. this is the domain of all the staff and management to deal with amongst themselves. People all over the world experience this kind of working environment and Games Development is not unique to it. 5.) " but I get most of it done and some days all of it and I’m well past my shift each day. And no long ago we had to close down early due to facility lack of staff 34 callins and there was only 10 staff me included for
The work and it take minimum of 40 to run it and
It sucked" … - Whilst I do say this I do want you to understand, I understand your frustration, But again this is not the purview of the Client to deal with . If you are not happy with your working condition and are overworked the only person who can correct that, is “you” .

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Let me show you what I mean … You have your story about your working conditions and you have shared it . Now let me share mine with you… I am a Paramedic who spends most of his day crawling around in mangled cars extracting human beings that are sometimes unrecognizable with injuries that are too severe for me to describe here for you… I spend hours every day listening to every little ailment that every hypochondriac suffers from wasting my precious time when we have so many other real and seriously important things to do… I spend hours cleaning ambulances filled with all kinds of nasties that most people would vomit to. Overtime , lets talk about overtime … When somebody has gone in to cardiac arrest, you don’t just check your watch and say oh well it is home time sorry buddy but I am off… I get call outs where people are in drunken brawls with one another who when I arrive to help the injured get threatened and sometimes even assaulted. My list of work issues could literally send nightmares into most people. I Suffer from PTSD as a result of it and have terrible issues even just trying to sleep. So believe me when I tell you , What you do ain’t special , everyone has their problems. Now follow me just for a little while longer … I get home and put up my feet so that I can rest my swollen knees because I now suffer from Arthritis from years of being on my knees performing CPR , I cant sleep immediately because I am so tightly wound up so I switch on my Xbox series S ( that is all I can afford) , because here in South Africa emergency Medical Staff are amongst the lowest paid medical professionals in the world. I switch on Conan in the hopes of pottering around , building a little more on my base, do a dungeon maybe or Just simply explore a little (just so I can break away from the reality of my every day life and wind down sufficiently to go to sleep) … OH WAIT crash to desktop , Bug Bugs Bugs … Frame Rate issues … Graphic Issues… My tension levels are now through the roof for that night … TY Funcom for rewarding my hard day with that kind of finish . Here is the question I have for you … Where is my Pitty Party ??? (the Point is we all have problems.)

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That’s why I’d never give a deadline or a estimate as you can tell siptah was like by few hated by most thus they have to redo most of it which is why I would have said it would be released when ready not given it a date cause things like that can and will happen

Sorry autocorrect can reword or change to it’s liking the now was to be a not and and I was saying not my job but facilities performance sucked thus we need to close I love my job but if I get fired I go and find another one I do not care about the job just that I do what I’m hired to and get paid

P.s. due to price and currency’s difference I cannot say what you should get paid but yeah you should get higher that what you have I think

P.p.s. I find personally emt are to good at their jobs not this comes from experience of 8 attempts of suicide and 18 revival (I swear the doc had his evil it lives it live going but he said no) that and you all are to quick to get there and you all can save just about anything including my waste down was to be cut of and doc save that and kindney both and left arm ,right eye, heart, left lung, 3 fingers and two toes and of course they cannot get rid of 4 illnesses that are not curable and stuck death permanently and jobs and others places cannot have me do to threaten limitations of illness and they toke the only thing I wanted in life away and after that loss I just hope someone or something can actually kill me and I hope I die every day but sun still shining when I open my eyes and theirs no fire which a red guy lookin at me grimly asking if I really want to burn for doing nothing wrong and I say well I would not be here if I did not ask but I’m still waiting and waiting like theses pass 13 years but damn you guys are really good at your jobs and should be proud no matter what happens so a cybernetic pat on you back as I’m state side and can’t give you one in person and that was a re you do a good job and no pun and people should be proud and happy at the work you do and what it does for them even if they don’t relyiz it

Actually. let me correct you . using your EMT example … an EMT is tired, Tunnel versioned , Perhaps has his mental capacity impaired because he is overdosing on amphetamines prescribed to him by his employers because he has hours still to go and the company is short staffed and cannot afford to relieve him… His management can visually see he is succumbing to the pressure and is making increasing mistakes on the job resulting in constant correction being required. They get a call out for a MVA, 4 occupants needing urgent assistance “Code Red” … The Hospital and its management choose to dispatch that EMT out knowing full well that he is a risk to himself and others around him . EMT arrives with judgement impaired and ends up doing more damage and harm than good… Who is responsible ?

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Just so you are aware in this example , by law the EMT is held responsible along with his Masters… The EMT gets Culpable Homicide should there be deaths involved … And Management would get charged with Negligence … Everyone gets smacked on the wrists … This is the real world.

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You lucky it was not me who got called out to 18 times to resus you … Because I can promise you … at the tenth time, you certainly would of finished the job . I can promise you that.

but Thank you for the compliment anyway. Just goes to show how special Some EMTs really are because they would need understanding of a special kind to resus you 18 times

I was only 6 to 10 at the time for those and different states my family moved around a lot cause of military base moving so it wasn’t the same one each kinda wish it was you now for all of them if you would just let me go that I’d be thankful

It was more of a ? Not actual statement as it depends on where you live and your laws and customs as one person steals a horse and that live near me is to have a hanging at square where if a guy kills a few people he can only get 50 years prison… I’d like to figure out the logical mind set there? Unless you can figure out that one for me cause I really do get that at all

And the person responsible for the harm would be the management that send that poor guy/girl out in that condition as it would only make it worse thus it did not help and if you that poor guy I would not pin that on you but the person who still sent you out anyway. A dead medic cannot heal or say the wounded thus their is no point but to keep you safe and healthy to insure you can do the job right and correct

Emt just like firefighters and police are there to do their best and to help thus they deserve respect whether in uniform or not and hope the people near you treated you that way I would hope and treat you with kind

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Hey everybody,

Please stay on the topic at hand and avoid off-topic conversations.


On Topic: Remove thrall porking, thanks.

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Ok so question just to clarify which “changes/updates currently on PC” will that include? The new work bench and stam systems i assume are a given but is the Siptah DLC going to go with that as well and will we console players going to be given an opportunity to earn the early access content we were forced to miss out on?

Also, it’s been months since the last video dev update. We were told we would be getting weekly to bi weekly news on what’s happening. Why has communications dwindled so dramatically? You say you want our feedback but the lack of communication says otherwise.

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I’m really confused here. You are saying that they aren’t giving you news, on the very thread that they are giving you news, that was posted all of 5 days ago. But key point is the last sentence


No he means we went like 4 weeks without updates on what’s happening but like I said many times they were on vacation thus it’s hard to work on game or updates when on vacation

Due note I don’t remember names of who was mad about that just the conversation that popped up for a bit and I’m not pointing fingers at any one