Public Beta Client- Age of Heroes Chapter 1 Update Discussion Megathread

On my to do list and will advise if someone else doesn’t, but I believe functionality doesn’t allow

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I had my archer bearer in the wolf skins out yesterday. So bug not solved, may very well be a server load issue.


Multi talented thrall

Looks like hes using his sword as an arrow :smile:

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This bug is present on officials inhace seen My archer use his 2h mace as a arrow haha…

Inventory crafters do not sink ever!

@den do not reléase the Settlement system as it is right now.

Allow for the wandering system to work on deployed thralls first, using your emote menu, to iron out this system , it needs to be fixed before expanding the problem with crafters.

Give playera control!!!. On their Settlement.

Sadly It seems just like before on age of war and sorcery that all of these multiple new bugs discovered on testlive will be in the live version, plus all the old ones, I’ve seen no reason to think otherwise.

No reason we can’t get an update on test or put the age of heros off a week or two.

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we all lost our time in testlive (Again)

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i will say you have choosed that you self :smiley:

of course i dare to wish things could be different, and it did not. so anyone expecting a change lost their time.

you also were hoping to see updates to the beta client, it did not happen.

the beta is not over


here so you can learn a bit about how a proper public beta test should look like :

i certainly not in the position to call this a beta, it does not function as one, i can arguelly bring an example on how a beta can look, and this is from a company that is much much smaller than funcom…

this just for the beta updates, of a game launched in 2018 . for just the beta there were 6 public betas, then RC 1 , RC 2, they launched RC to public once all the big major stuff got resolved, they had a track log of each bug they fixed on each beta, so testers knew where to look, and to check if something fixed did not came back.

on top of their beta program, there is already 2 hotfixes done to the game.

care to tell me how many fixes has funcom released to this ABSOLUTE GARBAGE update in our testlives?

we all know whats going to happen , (nothing) it will go live as you see it here, and they will patch “some of the issues” reported, and some will remain forever, as the rest of the unresolved things that has over 3 years, and still happening.

EDIT : X4: Foundations - Steam News Hub (look hjow it looks like)

the company is a german studio, small one (has growth a bit with X4 foundations) . but you can tell this people are ORGANIZED, they have a internal QA, then they have a selected few community members who runs a closed beta , and the final stage is an open beta for everyone to test (opt in)…

sorry to say but their was fixes in the age of war chapter 4 beta

their is more than that on the photo,
so their have being updating the last chapter under the beta in chapter 4

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hahahaha you funny …

what testing? march 27 they made an update when the launch did on april the 2nd?

i did not saw any improvements and all major bugs reported in AGE OF WAR,m they all went public (EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM)

stil a fix is a fix not matter what you say and their is the proof they have fixed update on some things on the testservers


yeah like a working day before the launch? sorry that is not a fix. they probably updated the beta to have the same build they launched, which came with all the bugs reported during the beta. not a single one was fixed.

so no it does not count.

now please learn a bit of how a proper public beta is ran, i gave you an example , and link so you can see and compare.

fix is a fix no matter what you say and the proof is their

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whatever, if you want to think all if PERFECT With their QA and their testing methodology and their beta testing, then be happy, i am NOT expending a minute more on betas in th is game until i see changes.

egosoft ran 6 betas and two RC (8 betas in total in about 1.5 months) Before brigning the update to the base game, (not counting the internal testing) and on top o f that, they added 2 Hotfixes really soon after the update was released.

that is a FUNCTIONAL BETA program, not the joke we spend time on (for me a waste of my time)

we all have our own opinion :smiley: and if you not wanna play then dont.

yup we all have a but hole too.

i just support opinions with facts, i brought how a good beta program looks like. if funcom had a good functional beta program wi will never have the ammount of issues we are seeing or the ammount of really nasty bugs that are in the game.

do remember single player game is a very diffrent game than online, which uses a persistent world, that still function even when you are offline, that alone makes a big difference. you dont have a large and complex database always working and being modified, by build , by clans, by players who come and go, by places decaying, thrall decaying, events running even when others are sleeping, ETC.

i get it , the only thing you care about is SP, because thats how you play and that is fine,. i reallly do not expect anyone who does not play on official servers to understand whats going on there and how soemthing that seems fine in SP is not in online games (usually gets worse on officials) same criticism goes to certain content creators who never leave their single player, so they cant be aware of how severe some bugs can be under the online enviroment let alone official servers.

end of discussion.

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the only diffenrend their is is you playing with other people and you see more builds. i still ahve to be online to use the bazaar, but any way their not alot diffrend between singleplayer and online servere, its still the same game its still the same mechanics and i have played alot on private servers i stopped playing on officels when the game came out frome early access becuse it was not fun and the private servers i played for a couple of years and i have seing many servers closed down and then i got to single player becuse i want to keep what i build