Converted thralls are randomly disappearing and cannot be rescued

This is not only issue of worker thralls converted in lesser wheels of pain, it apparently also affects already placed worker thralls.

Reproduction 1:

  1. Catch fighter/entertainer/bearer thrall
  2. Put the thrall into the lesser wheel of pain
  3. Notice that the thrall disappears right away after finishing converting instead of being placed, while still showing in follower list, but his map marker is not showing anywhere
  4. Try to rescue the thrall and see this message:
  5. Watch the thrall disappear completely from the follower list as well, apparently being deleted forever

Reproduction 2:

  1. Catch worker thrall
  2. Put the thrall into any wheel of pain and convert it successfully
  3. Place the thrall into the world and start receiving bonuses in your workbenches
  4. Play the game on or log out, just to find out later that half of your worker thralls are randomly missing and their map markers are not showing
  5. Try to rescue the thralls and see the same message as in the case of Reproduction 1.
  6. Watch the thralls disappear completely from the follower list as well, apparently being deleted forever

The issue in both cases is mainly randomized, it only affects some of the converted thralls under various circumstances. Also fighter/entertainer/bearer thralls are randomly placed next to the wheel or undermesh after converting, or just stay itemized in the wheel of pain. I noticed the lesser wheel of pain being the most problematic one.

Attempts to rescue the thralls sometimes leads to message “Loading distant follower data”, suggesting the thrall really got out of reach and undermesh somehow, although he was originaly placed in your base at the same spot. Another attempt to rescue it will lead to the error message and losing the thrall.


Confirmed as an issue on my Beta server.

Also: Cage-rescued thralls have been immediately falling through the world, necessitating the walk-away-come-back method to bring them back to the surface.


Next day, another three worker thralls missing and cannot be rescued. I believe this is always randomly happening after server restart.

One of the issues is also the fact, that if they are not removed from the follower list automatically, then there is no way to get them from there, because distant “break bond” option is not working at all, so the missing thralls will still occuppy the space in thrall limit.

This one for example I have there from yesterday, still in “returning home” mode, but cannot rescue nor break bond with him, though he still counts as valid follower in my limit:



All right, this sounds like a MASSIVE issue. The update cannot go live until they fix this.



Let’s hope it really gets the attention it needs before releasing the update. I see most of people playing beta observing mainly the new special companions and stuff around them, but their quest getting partially stuck is not as big problem as this is.


Its kinda offtopic but:
I didnt run into any obvious issues doing the first quest for both companions, but there is a different problem. Apparently the second part of the companion quests is on a timer, which is a problem when playing singleplayer where the timer doesn’t run when you are not playing the game. I dont particularly fancy waiting 12 hours in singleplayer just to test the second part in the test client…

Well that sucks, it’s also one of the main reasons I stopped playing single player years ago - your server closes when you end the game, and then no progress until you get back online.

In this case you can consider joining some of the online officials just for the purpose of trying the companions, or if you want the progress for yourself in your single player game particularly, leave the game running overnight maybe… It’s maybe not nice to your hardware, but should speed things up a bit. :smile:

For singleplayer @Eradicati0n found some console commands that can get you through the timers (not a solution, but a workaround for now). I’ll see if I can find the post and add the link in a sec.

Edit: here’s the post

That’s great…if you’re on PC. Us console players are double frigged as usual - we get all the bugs + not being able to use a workaround, yay!


Good point. And additional reason that this issue needs to be resolved properly.

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You know, I still can’t figure out why console can’t use console commands. They should’ve allowed us that long time ago, but let’s not digress too much…

Reading reports from the beta, it looks like there’s quite a bit of things that need to be resolved properly. Important things at that. I’m not holding my breath.


There are multiple timegates during Freya and Liu Fei’s quests, but they’re fortunately not bound to in-game time. It seems they’re real-world time, so the counter will continue to tick down even if you’re offline


So, this appears to be an issues with all wheels and appears to be related to how thralls will auto take themselves off a wheel when complete.

I’ve lost several named crafter and named fighters due to this and believe it could be resolved if the code to auto place a thrall in the world when finished on the wheel were disabled until the issue can be resolved.


Well there is still a problem with already placed crafters who disappear after server restart. But in general yes, it could solve part of this problem for now.

I think, i found the way. Every time, when i craf 1 thrall - he try to spawn near the wheel and he is lost. If I craft 2 thralls in wheel - they both stay in whell inventory.

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Nice one… And does it matter if you start crafting them both at the same time, or you can add the second one even if the first one is already in converting progress?

I add one thrall, start whell, and add one more thrall to whell. Both spawn in wheel inventory.

Is everyone breaking their thralls in WOPs that have all the “needs” in proximity to the breaking thrall?

I have not had any issues yet in lost thralls or thralls auto placing themselves from a WOP (ALSO WTF NO).

Another player on the Public Test Server I am on said they are experiencing it though and in addition, thralls teleporting across the map to other bases. I think this is tied to the “needs” thing?

Well I have some chairs, two beds and one campfire near the wheel, I guess it should be enough? Existing thralls are actively using those.

Also non-worker thralls are not tied to the needs system in any way, those are connected only to worker thralls, and people have the conversion problems only with fighters, entertainers and bearers.

Worker thralls always stay in the wheel itemized until you place them in the world, but then eventually at some point some of them disappear - could be related to the needs thing you mentioned, but then how come it only affects some of the thralls while others stay unaffected?


Ahh I didn’t know it was the other classes of thralls. We don’t really know how they integrated all of this… they could be setting the groundwork for all thralls to behave the same as workers? Maybe that was clarified that it wouldn’t be?

Ok so I haven’t broken any fighters yet. I’ll get on that and add my voice if it happens.

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