Public Beta Client- Age of Heroes Chapter 1 Update Discussion Megathread

This is happening again

What is the real purpose of those beta servers ???

It is not for testing it seems , at least does not work as other test servers i have seen.

If again funcom pushes the update as it is on testlive. I think it is correct to assume that all of US who went to those server ended up loosing out valuable time.

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What happen if you use Elixir of Rebirth in the new companions?

Does it have some effect or some type of buff or it will turned in another useless item after update?

And for godsake add a staff was weapon for Liu feiā€¦

They answered that:

We might not like certain aspects of that answer, but that doesnā€™t make it false.

Why not? Ask @Kikigirl if she has been testing the shіt out of the game. ā€œTestingā€ means trying things out, seeing whether they work, and reporting the results. :man_shrugging:


@Kikigirl CodeMage found it :wink:


oh i know, she has, BIG GOOD KUDOS to her! ā€¦ yet it looks like they will still launch the same crap update as we see todayā€¦ makes you wonder if it is actually useful, we are not even sure if there is enough people working on fixing the game, and besides the esporadic communications i am seeing more of the sameā€¦

really i wish to see a change. i wish to see this game move forward. but i do not see any difference with previous patches that went to testlive.

i wish i could underttand the process, it is so different thatn other testlives i have seen before.


This is why Iā€™ve been pressing the issue of pre-launch vs. post-launch updates. While I hope that they might still answer that question, I donā€™t really expect them to.

Historically, the public beta has followed this same pattern: the upcoming changes are pushed to the TestLive environment, a relatively small number of players make an effort to test it and report the bugs, a handful of ā€œlow-hanging fruitā€ bugs get fixed before the live release and the rest are marked as ā€œknown issuesā€ in the patch notes.

Also historically, this has led to public beta testers being disillusioned and frustrated, because they made an effort to help improve the game and their efforts didnā€™t result in a less buggy release.

I keep praising @Kikigirl for her testing efforts, but I guess I never really explained that itā€™s not just because of the diligence with which she reported bugs, but also for giving Funcom yet another chance to prove that they can change.

If there arenā€™t, thereā€™s nothing we can do about it :man_shrugging:

Even the communication usually follows a well-established pattern :smiley:

Whenever a new community manager joins the team, they are initially quite active on the forums, which gives the players here some hope that the communication is improving. Eventually, their participation tapers off until they are only posting very occasionally.

Itā€™s too early to say whether Caroll will follow the same pattern, or break it.

That said, credit where credit is due: Caroll didnā€™t only change the quantity of communication, she also changed the quality. She has actually gathered feedback from the community and come back with answers, on more than one occasion. Also, Dennis has been more active than usual, and has even attempted to open a serious dialog with the PVP community on the topic of spear combat. (Iā€™ll leave it up to the reader to form their own conclusions about how well the PVP community took him up on that.)

We all want that. And I feel like Funcom made a step towards instituting some changes, and the players reacted by giving them the benefit of the doubt and stepping up to help and giving them a chance to prove they can change.

The update hasnā€™t hit live yet. Until it does, we wonā€™t really have any measurable evidence of that change.

I would caution against setting expectations too high. If they donā€™t fix all the high-severity bugs before the launch, but they do fix at least one, that is incremental improvement. We might not think itā€™s ā€œenoughā€, but if they make small improvements, they might eventually reach our goal, or as close to it as they can.

On the other hand, if all their attempts at improving donā€™t produce any tangible results, well, that will speak for itself, too. Just like the total absence of communication on the issue of thrall decay snafu speaks volumes.


about that, back when it happened @Ignasi did post news, about it, i believe they also increased XP and gathering to servers for 2 or 4 weeks (Cant recall) as a consolation, why they have not said anything at all this time?

i have good folks on my main server quit because of it. :frowning:

i do have hopes ā€¦ that they might somewaht reverse course on crafters ( i know it is very very unlikely) ā€¦ but i have a faint hope that a ray of light had hit the big guy calling the shots at funcom . and implement the settlement in a different way, maybe using deplooyed archers, fighters via emotes, to do controlled tasks. i saw the news on companions being advertized on the launcher, no mention on the settlement system, i do wish they are weighting their options,

my thoughts :

  1. having the roaming part available for deployed thralls, using emote menu. to control who does that or not, will be improvement, as a player youc an decide hoa many and when they will function.
  2. refresh the animations for the benches some are REALLY cool!
  3. add ability to change inventory clothing such as done in the mod, (using a bench where you sit the thrall, and change clothing apply war paints etc)

lots of people happy. features under player control who can decide how their settlement works, and how you will bring life.

i even thought about keeping the ability to deploy crafters, so they can function as a supervisor for their profession giving small bonuses on top of their bonuses to inventory crafters, i do believe that both systems could live together, even with the added costs.

i vouch for player control on their cosmetics. i really do. but again very unlikely to see those changes at this point of time,

Itā€™s a way for me to play the game I love so much, but yes, I have been caught :crazy_face:


What I have seen of late is change. Age of war seems to be the most funcom rep active age so far.

I hope so lacking, communications is one of my top 5 funcom issues.

One of my top issues with the beta client is funcom may have fixes for the bugs, but the beta client may never see them. All too often the beta server never sees the fixes and can end up be 2 and 3 builds behind live.

How will they react when age of heros hits, all their artisans go in to the bench and they canā€™t set them out because they were already at thrall max?

But about the job done


CanĀ“t drop or use things,maybe is something with sorting,no type,heaviest firstā€¦and so on
No sorting,by now,lets me use things.

Well,itĀ“s seem as above 320 grit,it does somethingā€¦but what theā€¦

IĀ“ve lost two thralls,at whyell was controller III,not T4.

I put first the thrall,then change the controller.

He is out but there.

Let me toss this rock in the grinder.

It seems missetting thrall decay timers is going to be a regular thing. How are people going to react the first time it happens after AoH goes live and they lose all their artisans?

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I like so much the game,first time i played was so cool,now,with somethings changed and added,well,is still funny.
My opinion is from a fan,so,errors,bugs and things like that will not make me stop play the game.
Prices,to have more things from bazar.maybe.
New events and things like that.maybe.
With the game,just how it is,in some days,weeksā€¦i will finish a camp,get all brazalet stuff,i will use the brazalet or donĀ“t and thenā€¦i will let the gameā€¦some months as much from here,i will start a new game,probably,single playerā€¦a new place,a new vision of a camp,castle,baseā€¦i will finish my camp,save my saved games folderā€¦and thatĀ“s all!!

Maybe implement a lost+found directory that can be resolved on re-login. I digress if it gets that far.

I let the game, saw this and reset the character, Iā€™ll play single player again when itā€™s fixed, I wanted to make a camp with Jugs, ceramic pieces, decoration stuff, thereā€™s a lot of them everywhere, theyā€™re supposed to be for making a campā€¦ a camp with a bar and the Black Hand tentā€¦ anywayā€¦ an adventurer camp.
I have a lot of warriors, usually in a PvP, you need some because someone can attack you and take everything from you, itā€™s very annoying to have to kill the skull dragon that spits fire once again, although being a beta server there are few players and it doesnā€™t seem like theyā€™re going to attack youā€¦ but anyway, in PvP I prefer to have 10-20 warriors first and then build and get legendary outfits and legendary weapons, I usually donā€™t use outfits or special weapons because that way you donā€™t lose anything that you canā€™t craft again.
I havenā€™t done the companion quests, I havenā€™t found them.
Courage is a shame, it takes a while to raise up with a level of 10, all attributes at 10,depleted at all or depleted just at the mediumā€¦itĀ“s gets slow to raise again.
For single player I donā€™t know, I tried the purge a month or a month and a half ago, and well, it could be improved a lot, everyone goes against everyone together as 3,as much,bunches of people.
Anyway, I hope to see the new update so I can spend my 4000 Crom coins.
I get so angry that I couldnā€™t stand it anymore and I quit, now I would have finish the camp, but itā€™s just thatā€¦ I couldnā€™t stand itā€¦
And I know that putting bricks increases the decay timeā€¦but I didnā€™t want to use buildings, just things that are found around there and at most the bar, a small well and some normal work tablesā€¦
Iā€™ll see whatĀ“s up with the bugged-free update.

Well the honey moon is over, logged in to all my thralls neck deep in foundations

On beta!?

Can someone check what happen if you turn a companion in a zombie?:flushed:

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