Public Beta Client- Age of War Chapter 1 Update Discussion Megathread

Hearing about “Age of War” I was thrilled and came out from under my rock. The Dev stream left me exited and I love that the purge will get a revamp. :heartpulse:
Then I read the patch notes.

Whhyyy?!?! :sob:
You handed back to us the power of ancient artifacts and took it away the moment you saw our eyes sparkle with tears of joy! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Why not let us repair them at the volcanic forge like @KamikazeHamster suggested. (That way people would at least travel there and use it from time to time. Repairing items at a perilous spot where all kinds of things can kill you even adds a touch of heroism to the task of repairing. I really love that idea.:heartpulse:)
50 blood crystals, a tablet of power and 20 dragon powder, I don’t care for the cost, please Funcom, just let us keep our rare legendaries a little longer! :face_holding_back_tears:

Drama aside, I don’t mind when I have to use another legendary from time to time because the previous one broke, but when I think about the people I played with on all kinds of servers the last couple of years, I know exactly where their favorite legendary and unique items will spend most of their time. :sweat_smile:
In chests.
I always had to smirk a bit about that mindset, but I can also understand it. If you grinded for half a year and prayed to the RNG gods to finally get your favorite weapon and then you realized you didn’t have the right thrall to make the legendary repair sets yet (back in the days), you would go and try to find them before using up all durability of your rng treasure. I can understand why people are disappointed. Even I’m disappointed. :thinking:
In the past some friends were afraid to use their legendaries during PvP times because they could lose them.
I think in the future even PvE players might only dust them off for special occasions. Legendaries turn into fine china you only take out when the aunt from the other side of the pond visits? I know this might be intended, but…meh. Imo they deserve to be with their bearer on ALL adventures. :blush:

As for the aggro range of NPCs, I think the minority of people is satisfied with the new setting.
I know in the past private servers would tune down the MaxAggroRange in the engine.ini( I think it’s there :thinking:) in an attempt to tackle server lags, but I can foresee a lot of private servers turning it back to 9000 to offer their players some action.

I’m also a big fan of the dark nights in Conan Exiles! What other excuse do I have for my dream dust addiction now?!
No, seriously the darkness added a lot to ambience and the survival factor. You’ll never have to touch a torch again. Items that provide night vision turn into a gimmick for archers.

I love the general ideas in the age of war, but I’m not sure if I love the execution. :yum: