Public Beta Client - Age of War Chapter 2 Update Discission Megathread

Sounds like they just want clans to be more active instead of relying on a bubble to keep them safe and it also gives opportunities to raid unraidable ceiling bases…gods are not hard to kill if you are online… bigger clans can generally have at least one or two players covering full raid hours between them

All it will do is make alter wars and no one will be allowed to build any on the map without it been instantly nuked :joy:

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Dennis said they will be gone.

When people say “unraidable” they really mean difficult to raid (except the glitchy ass keyhole.) No place in Exiled Lands is unraidable with bubble, but a couple are very difficult to raid. I haven’t explored siptah enough to talk for that map.

Some spots are unraidable if the person is online… depends if they are good at building or not

Some spots are extremely difficult, but yeah I understand what you are saying.

Edit: but honestly at least 2 of those spots will be the same level of difficulty when people are online bubble or not. Same repair meta won’t change. Just makes those spots more valuable. COUGH Aquaduct COUGH Especially since there is a way to stack fence foundations like we could before they nerfed it.

Cough … Ice spire… I would not suggest stacking as it’s against t&c …. All the popular spots will now be 100 times easier with arrows.

Offline yep. Online I think you’ll find it’ll be roughly the same.

Icespire can be difficult, but far from unraidable. I understand your thought process though.

I have a public beta question. I play PS5, which obviously means I can’t connect to public test. Do I need to own Conan on Steam to test on my PC?

The new purge npc’s with battering rams. Do they go out of their way to trash your fortress, or head straight to your coffer?

Yeh I fully understand online will still be difficult but offline a doddle now… but then again it’s also still going to be hard for the smaller clans to get an alter up without one member of the big clans logging in and noticing, Can only wait and see how this plays out, I see it from both sides … I see it been more of a problem for the smaller clans tho more than the big clans

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As I understood it, New Purge NPCs target doorways to enter your base, once inside they target your coffer.

there was mention there might be some issues with NPC pathing in certain areas or terrains. @Hiveshadow if you have a doorway and think pathing is clear to said doorway, you submit a detailed report with your issue.

They might as well release a map where you make friends and Crom answers all of your prayers lol. Yeah it’'l probably be more difficult for solos or smaller clans (depending on base location.)

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I wasn’t sure if they would destroy the blacksmith bench, armory, etc. that they would currently pass if they made it in far enough.

in the Livestream, the NPCs did damage the foundations under the Coffer, but it seemed that most of the activity in base was stealing your treasure, not destroying things.

Hopefully this will also mean an end to other player’s purges targeting the wrong base. Had an encroacher’s base get somewhat gutted by a purge meant for me, and a purge targeting a different encroacher’s tower f’ed around and found out with three Dalinsias and two Sonya’s gaurding the main entrance to my base.

The new purge system
Pro: epic battles to test your armies of thralls
Con: tier10 purge rewards: 4 Tier II thralls, and a chest with 7 gold nuggets, I can get that in any camp in 10min, without spending 3400 gold bars.
Con: purge trader sells useless stuf, maybe except for explosive arrows 5 gold 100 explosive arrows seems like it’s too cheap.
Con: no difference between tierX and tierVI purge rewards, same low level thralls and chest.

Bugs: multiple reward chests overlapping, you can only loot 1 chest
can’t interact with the thralls you get from the cages
95% of enemies are Tier I, save for 2 tier III, the final boss and some 1-skull demolishers.
The final boss dies faster than a tier1 Conscript and has no loot, although the loot part may be intentional

Here are some rewards to make the tier10 purge worth it:
fragments of power
dragon powder
god breaker armor scraps
legendary armor and weapons
tier IV fighers and crafters
2-3 stacks of feasts (actual end game food)


My understanding is since you are actively starting the Purge with the Coffer NPC. They Purge will make your Coffer their Primary target, using doorways to get there.

This is correct.

So did anyone catch the actual names of the new armour sets?