Purge bug when 20+ online

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Misc
Server type: PvE
Region: EU

Hello. I have noticed that the Purge bugs out if there are a lot of people online, usually 20+. All the big clans meet the same problem: event log is flooded with “purge is starting / purge has ended” messages. If you die while event log says that Purge is starting, you can see who is coming so we checked twice if we have incorrect bases that are illegible for Purge, but it is 100% clear that the Purge doesn’t come even on bases where it had already been multiple times.

Small clans who have 1-2 bases don’t get this problem. When the peak online is under 20, all the big clans get purges without any trouble (even if we all have been waiting for 10-14 days with full purgemeter). For example, today with 11 ppl online we’ve got Purged one by one, all who was stuck before.

There were days when our clan was the only clan with full purge meter, so the server was checking us all 4 hours long…

This bug is reproduced even with small bases, people often build with separate building IDs

[PC 1300 PvE official]

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Have 5+ separate building identifiers per clan
  2. Have 20+ online
  3. Wait for the Purge for week or more with full purge meter :frowning:

Hey @SireneLoreley

We’re aware of a few issues with the purge. We’ll send this information to our QA team to see if they can confirm this being one of the known issues.
Thanks for the feedback.

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