Purge not triggering

Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [uk]

Ever since launch i have not had a single purge trigger. Before launch they worked just fine. I have put the settings as low as i can to enable a purge, and it never triggers. The bar does not fill up when trigger value is set to 4200, it always stops halfway. If i drop the trigger value to 900 the bar fills all the way up quickly, but still never triggers a purge.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Do anything to start purge
  2. Bar either sticks halfway and nothing happens
  3. Or if trigger value is lowered bar fills and nothing happens
  4. No purge.

with my and my friend the bar is set to 42k and we havent ever had a purge…

This is occuring on Official servers where my tribes purge meter is full but the only purge we got was a 10 minute warning then soon after the message it said the purge was over but the meter is still capped. No further attacks have been made. Official Xbox server 2875 NA PvP.

I’m on Xbox playing singleplayer and offline. I’ve seen my purge meter go to 1/3rd and just stop. Does being offline enable purge at all? Does anybody know what triggers it?

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I got purged when was offline. Next day my base was attacked by a clan of lvl 60’s before I could rebuild.
We were just level 40 and had started upgrading to T3.
The level 60’s kept returning and destroyed/stolen everything now and my clan quit the game before any of this happened.

I have joined PvE server now to play solo.

Edit: Purge happened on official pvp server. Playing now on official PvE server

All great info, thanks. So just so I’m up to speed, the purge are all AI, correct? How can the game send level 60’s when you’re only level 40?

Of course I guess the clan you’re referring to could have been actual humans, hence why I’ll never reside on a PvP server.

Can humans go rogue on a PvE server and blast your stuff?

It was a lvl 60 clan, they stole everything and bombed our (mostly) T3 base. This was after the purge destroyed a tiny bit of the building when we were offline.

PvE servers totally different, no one can touch your things, can’t even look in your fish traps or attack your thralls :blush:
Just waiting to fill my purge bar up, I won’t be offline if it attacks me here! Purge is AI yes, I can’t wait to see it, pretty excited lol

Edit: Purge happened when none of us were online around 4th night of my full purge bar but one other clan member also filled his purge bar the day before I did.

I’ve watched a couple of vids from others being attacked by the purge, pretty exciting and the waves just keep coming.

I’m assuming when you log off the purge meter drops back to zero, at least mine does.

I don’t think it does, it only reset after the purge. That’s how I knew we’d been purged, the bar was empty. I checked event log too to make sure and it was all weird, creatures etc had damaged the buildings

I’m on ps4, pve official. My purge bar was full for days… Then I would say a week of it being full, I got a purge.