I have 2 bases now. Is there any logic behind the base that purge will attack or will I receive it always on the first base I built?
It’s random! Make sure you can get to either location in the alloted time.
The theory behind Purge attacks is that each base you have is allotted anumber of points depending on how “valuable” the base is. Bigger, more complex bases with higher-tier building materials gets more points than small sandstone huts. The more points, the more likely the Purge is to target that base (but with a random element included so any base could be targeted).
In Single-player it’s a bit different, and the Purge should instead prioritize the base closest to you when it triggers.
In my experience (purely Single-player), though, it’s more random than that. But as my base stretches in an unbroken line of foundations from the Pagoda of Boundless Lusts to Sepermeru and from there via Mounds of the Dead to New Asagarth, I kinda understand why the Purge gets confused. If it attacks this “main base” at all, it hits the noobiest part of it near the Mitra Shrine.
At other times, the Purge strikes at my separate base in the jungle, near Exile Camp 23 (this is their favorite location, the vast majority of my Purges hit here), or random, temportary structures such as an outhouse-sized sandstorm shelter I forgot I had on an island in Noob River, or a single foundation with three protruding ceiling pieces in the snowy area I used as a bridge to reach one of the giant King lorestones.
But I may be an anomaly i this regard because my base is so weird, so it’s possible I broke the Purge in my game.
As Kapoteeni mentions, There value to whats there.
And each base is its own thing. (set of foundations)
So 4x4 and 6x6 not connect, is 2 bases, 4x4 with foundations/Floors connecting it to 6x6 make it 1 base.
2 bases, is for most part 50% chance for each to be hit, if there about same worth. I know one of later patches, you need to have certain amount of stuff built. (which can be tested in SP, if you trigger purge with to low count of buildings, it wont start till you build a decent size base)
(compared to before, your little hut could get a flock of Imps)
The game will then pick a foundation block (or other type that counts) which gets Red X on it, Thats attack point. (the game may ignore other objects on way to it) (thou do to tether mechianc right now, they will spawn out of tether range, and teleport to attack point)
So if said block is out of reach, you get spawns on top of it etc. Or if you built on island, and game can’t path-way to it.
Single Player, It can hit any location, but will 70-80% pick base your at do to way the game world is handle. I’ve had it pick locations on other side of map time to time. (which may be do to them being larger scaled)
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