What does purge see as a base

Hello so i have been thinking i have a pretty big base and don’t know if purge will view it as one or two bases

the base is on the southern aqueduct and the surrounding area, i have build walls and an elevator along with several houses so most if not all the land is claimed

its random, I think

Always when I wanted to have a purge focused base they always came for the wrong one - I suggest you build all of your bases solid - As they will pretty much disappear once the base is down

edit: Purge tho is very bugged

the last 5 purges i encountered seem to pop up at the base closest to where I am on the map. (wasnt like that last year iirc).
this also included 2 purges at the ruins of abandoned bases.

I forget the number, 80-90ish foundations worth (well several objects “count” as part of total(So not just foundations) which was added last year? or so. (to prevent newer player from being wiped off map)

Depends on zone your base is in. (not so much map zone, but “purge zone”

#1 example.

You have two buildings, thats 100 pieces each, and field between them with no connecting parts.

Thats 2 bases that can trigger a purge.

#2 example
You have two buildings, One is 100 pieces, Other is 20 and field between them with no connecting parts.

Thats 1 Base able to be purge, the small 20 bit is unable to be tagged. (but can if said purge attacks main base, they may target it if they pass by it)

#3 (much like #1)
You have two buildings, thats 100 pieces each, and field between them with foundations and fence parts connecting them.

Thats 1 base.

In most cases for Single Player. It’ll attack the one near by. (thou its not 100%) I’ve had rare instances were it attack one of my locations far way.

On a Server. (give or take server setting) The game will preforms its checks across server and trigger as needed per clans/players purge bar.

It’ll then pick a Attack Point, (Foundation Piece normally) and check if it can walk to it, or has to teleport on it.
Few spots on map, that can’t be purge along edges and some odd ball spots.

Interesting. A couple times we had a purge attack a tiny little cabin that we forgot about completely. A sandstone hovel on the noob river just inside the jungle biome from when we were just starting out. No more than 3x3 foundations with a thatched roof. We had other very expansive bases that also got purged from time to time, but found it odd that the purge would pick that little abandoned shack.

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@FastJohnny ,did you had a wheel of pain inside this cabin ?

Nope, no Wheel of Pain, it was actually empty except for a couple of cots and a wooden box with the usual noobie stuff: plant fiber, rocks, a stone ax, you know all that stuff one hoards when just starting out.

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I had heard a theory that the Purge prioritizes the first structure you build.

this might account for why the Purge attacks your shack, since as you said this was built when you were starting out.

I don’t know if this helps, but I had an odd incident that I thought was revealing of Purge behavior.

I started a new playthrough and found a nice spot to build my first base. It was a pair of rock column formation and thought about doing a ‘twin towers’ approach with a bridge between them and a set of stairs to one tower (so I could dismantle the bridge with my ‘good stuff’ if the purge proved too much). I built my towers, but I didn’t like the way they turned out.

So I abandoned the two sandstone towers and build near a lake. This turned into a village. I had a ‘hut’ for each themed workstation (blacksmith shop, carpentry shop, etc.). I went back to my first ‘twin towers’ and started removing anything that would help my new village. On the way to my village, a Purge started (I had only barely removed anything from the twin towers). The purge attack the towers.

I continue to make trips back and forth between the twin towers and my village. I had almost gotten everything when it was time for another Purge. The purge again attacked my twin towers.

At this point, I had a bedroll and a few redundant workstations left at the twin towers. I decided to leave them and “not” place a bed or new bedroll at my village. I just continued working on improving my village.

There have now been seven Purges. All have tried attacking the twin towers. The village has never had one Purge so far. Why?

  1. The village was my ‘second’ base building attempt.
  2. The village is larger with many more foundations than my twin towers (and connected via road system) – all the buildings are ‘connected’ as one base.
  3. The village has no bed or bedroll.

So does the purge target ‘first bases’? Does the Purge target bedrolls/beds?

Either way, its been interesting.

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I’ve done a bit of testing with this. Foundations seem to be the trigger. I watched a video from Wak and it’s pretty good at explaining stuff. All my outposts are built using coloumns and ceiling pieces now. NO foundations. I have had two purges since I changed this and both targeted my main base on foundations even though the majority of my time is spent at my outposts.

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Most of my test in SP/PS.

I build a small hut, do my thing. Build main base. Then head off and build a purge base.

The Purge base (since its one I’m closet to) is attacked, (near SE corner of desert) Main base is at Oasis.

I’ve had small huts and things attacked in past, (when purge could attack just about anything) Havnt had it recently since updates.

You said something about bridge didn’t you ? Only by gaming experience and nothing else whenever I have a bridge on my builds purge always hit there , my second observation is the wheel of pain that I use a lot before the purge . The only purge I have in my first bases is the first one , all the others hits on my outposts ,the ones that I have my wheels of pain .

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