So I just had my 4th purge, 2nd on the server I am on, and I noticed that each time I was purged only my main base was attacked. I have three other outposts but instead they attacked my base. Aren’t they supposed to attack a random base I have? Also, when the bar filled it was myself that was attacked and not anyone else. I thought purges were supposed to attack a random base and random player/clan each time the bar is filled, is that still true or outdated?
Also, I noticed that the purge bar is sometimes white instead of purple. Does that signify anything?
Lastly are human or non-human purges more common? I was hoping to snag some purge thralls, especially the alchemist, but no I got spider one instead. Fortunately they did 0 damage to my base this time around, whereas my past purges knocked out some of my walls before.
I’d also like to know what determines which base the purge attacks, but I can answer your other questions.
When your purge bar is above the white line, you have a chance to be purged. If other clans also have their purge bars past it at the same time, then they have a chance as well. The purge will only attack one clan at a time, so if 4 clans have their bar high enough, there’s a 25% chance of a purge for each one.
What type of purge you get depends on where you’re located on the map I believe. Look up purge map or something and you’ll eventually find a map showing where the different purges are. Animal purges are kind of dumb IMO and should at least have baby pets come too
The location of the purge is randomized, however each base is assigned a point value based on size, grade of materials, placeables, etc. While I don’t know exactly how the math works, you could think of those point values as lottery tickets. This means that a bigger, full-fledged base would likely have a significantly higher point value than a small outpost, and therefore a much greater chance of being selected as a purge target.
For instance, my clan has 2 large bases, 2 smaller bases, and several more outposts. Our largest base has gotten purged the most, followed by our second-largest. Out of the remaining, only one of our two smaller bases has ever gotten purged, and none of the outposts ever has.
So based off my experiences, I’d say the randomized targeting is working as advertised.
Also, as of the two purges we’ve gotten since the last patch came thru, both were of a different purge type than what we’d traditionally received over the past several at each respective location. This seems to indicate that your purge type for a given base is no longer locked-in to the same kind of enemy anymore. So that’s another fix that’s working properly.
As for Human vs. Animal-only purges, that depends greatly on where you build. I recently spent 7 hours in Photoshop overlaying all the purge areas from the wiki onto a single map and found only a narrow band [roughly] at the latitude of New Asagarth where the only purges that spawn are all of types capable of yielding alchemists.
Outside of that, all areas of the map are capable of having purges containing purge alchemists because the purge type “A Gang of Roaming Bandits” literally includes the entire map as its area. Indeed it was bandits that struck one of our small bases that was located aaaall the way up in D13 where we’d designed it to withstand frost giants. Needless to say, not many T4 attackers survived that assault.
Hi Chump, thanks for the info. The white bar I mentioned, isn’t actually the cut off line of when the purge happens. It’s the bar itself that goes from purple to white sometimes. It happens BEFORE I’m even eligible for the purge (before the first purge mark).
Weird. I’ve never seen that before. My best guess is that it’s a glitch, although maybe it means someone else is in the process of getting purged? Idk hopefully someone who knows drops by
If you mean the one I spent ages working on, you’ll need Photoshop to open it, but here you go:
If you’re just interested in that horizontal band I referenced, here’s a screen-snip of the region where the only purges that will currently spawn are ones that have a chance at spawning an alchemist:
Note: The transparent areas are the sweet-spot. The areas in opaque red can still spawn purges containing alchemists, but there’s also the chance of getting purges that canNOT spawn alchemists (e.g. monsters, humans with no crafters, etc).
Going to be upset if the devs go and purposefully change this simply because someone finally pieced everything together and was generous enough to share it.
@Larathiel explained all things you need to know, but one more thing: EACH of your unconnected buildings are a single base for the game.
So, for example, if you build a shelter on a isle in the river and a bridge connecting that Island to the coast, if the bridge is unconnected to the shelter they are 2 different bases for the game when it choose wich of your base to be purged.
BI believe the white colour is meant to indicate you are not eligible for a purge at that time as you haven’t reached the threshold yet.
The purple colour is meant to indicate you/your clan now meets the criteria to be on the random list of groups that could get purged. That it stays purple although smaller after getting a purge is either a bug or it means you/clan is still on the possible target list as you’ve not been taken back to 0 on the meter.
I think if you hover your cursor over the purple bar you get a message that your clan has been noticed by hostile forces or something to that effect.
It’s definitely a bug because most of the time my bar is purple, not white, before I can be purged. The screenshot I took is a rare moment where the bar is white for me. It’s actually purple most of the time, whether or not I’m eligible for a purge. I’ll take another screenshot where the bar is purple, before I’m due for a purge.
The only time I’ve ever seen the bar be white (since color was added) was when I made a new clan that did not yet have any bases and was still in the process of building-up. (i.e. I split my alt account into a separate clan to farm a specific purge.) While in that state, hovering my mouse cursor over the bar would give a tool-tip that certain actions raise the meter, etc.
After a while, the bar would then turn purple and the tool-tip would change to read something like “the location of your base has been discovered, and the purge will eventually come knocking”. Once purple, I’ve never seen it revert to white again.
If I had to base it off of only my experiences, this would lead me to believe a white purge meter is for newer clans that haven’t even gotten close to being eligible for their first purge yet.
That makes sense, in a way. Thing is though I’m definitely eligible for a purge and I’ve already been purged once, just last Sunday. Maybe it’s basically a Purge “aggro” indicator that’s gone haywire and not working as intended. Purple = Purge found you and will aggro you. White = Purge hasn’t detected you yet or for reasons unknown detected you but forgot about you at some point (bug).
Yeah could be. I pinged @Ignasi before to see if we could get some clarification on what the color of the purge bar means, but I don’t think there was a definitive answer at the time (it was a few months ago).