Game mode: Online Private Server - GPortal
Problem: Purge Not Starting
Region: USA
Is the purge system on Xbox One Private servers not functioning properly ?
Myself and other people on the server have our purge bar full to the second white line and some have it maxed. Also sometimes the purge bar resets to nothing.
It looks like you have the Purge times ending at 11am and starting at 12 noon. I believe it is a 24 hour clock. So try changing the end time to 23:59 (11:59pm) and the start to 11:00 for 11am?? Or if you were trying to get the purge to work from 11am to Noon then swap the times.
We have had the exact sane issue. A few weeks ago we did get a purge, but none since. We didn’t have it set to any specific times. Our limits we set as far as how many players would be on. But we tried all kinds of settings that should of made them spawn, but yet nothing.
That means every clan is a possible Purge victim so you have 20% change and so on (They explained it in the latest stream and told that one of the offical servers had over 800 clans xD)
yeah I think that’s a bit much and a big reason why so many issues can happen. I am happy with our private server it gives us a chance to experience the game without buildings that no one is ever on for littering they world.