Purge won't spawn ANYWHERE since the update

EDIT: This problem has everyone on our official server who tried to spawn the purge, so apparently it’s going to be global problem. It was working only yesterday, few players managed to spawn it and get a bartender, today it’s totally broken.

So guys, here is one fo the examples where I tried to spawn purge. I tried inside my base, outside it, then in different biomes, different places with flat ground and full access, without other buildings around and even without any my claim, nothing. i am only losing materials, cause the genius coffer is not even movable or pickable.

Do you have the same problem? Kinda cheesy, that I was looking for to hire bartender and enjoy the thing I was so hyped about tavern, but sadly I can’t because some funked up coding which won’t allow me to summon purge. :frowning:

Lucky you. The purges now spawn with nuclear warheads instead of battering rams. So someone got their base spared.

I wanted to try lvl 1 only, to see how it goes and if I can catch bartender. Few people from server did purges yesterday and did not complain about the demolishers though.

I hope this is going to work again tomorrow, because the whole server is one big lag now, with only 16 players online.

i had the same problem… just spam the button, usually after 5-6 tries it should spawn somewhere… BUT for me they allways stop after half a wave with the message “they couldn’t find a path to treasure anymore” even it was in open field

Yeah just did level 2-8 purges- lost one cat.

When you get this message- pick up your treasure chest and deploy it again. Youll need the resources to build it again obviously

Sometimes it works.

Barkeeps you can get even from a level one purge- soloable.

Ive got multiple barkeeps now in multiple locations

I am doing this over and over from yesterday, still no success. :frowning: Can you advice me some spots on map on which it is working for you?

@Akomo now I managed to spawn one lvl 1 purge, but they retreated without any reason after one minute of fighting.

i did the same thing as you, placed a coffer in the middle of nowhere just to try and trigger a purge, and nothing.
it wasnt on an official server, but it was on a private unmodded server.

The busier the server is and the longer the server is up, the more the purge will have trouble spawning. Saturday night with 33 people on, I proclaimed my wealth 12 times. Ten times it would not spawn at all and twice the camp spawned but lost the path about the time the first wave hit the entrance to my purge base. This morning I spawned 8 purges. One spawned right next to my base with the camp’s palisade blocking my entrance, but the other 7 completed.

The moral of the story is don’t bother with purges on weekend evenings when your server is full with players trying to get bartenders and complete the battle pass.

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Persistance- i keep at it.

It appears they sometimes they just give up - not sure if that intended

Building over water does indeed help

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