Game mode: any
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: any vanilla
Someone should really go over the PurgeConfigTable.
i’ve written a small mod for Purges and while working with the PurgeConfigTable.uasset I run some small selfwritten tests.
This does not cover some deeper tests like checking if the SpawnData defined exists and is possible to spawn.
Anyway following are the results, some are clearly errors and some might not be due to fallback systems.
Some dev should really look over the PurgeConfigTable.uasset.
Following are errors:
Defined NextWaves not found
NextWave FrostGiants_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 4 defined but not found.
NextWave GrayApe_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 3 defined but not found.
NextWave Yeti_Wave2 with difficulty 4 defined but not found.
NextWave Yeti_Wave2 with difficulty 5 defined but not found.
NextWave Yeti_Wave2 with difficulty 6 defined but not found.
Following are most likely errors due the NextWave not defined or defined with the wrong NextWave:
Defined but not used
Darfari_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
DogsOfTheDesert_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
RelicHunter_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Votaries_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Votaries_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
BlackHandPir_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
BlackHandPir_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
FrostGiants_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
FrostGiants_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Hyena_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Hyena_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Spider_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 1 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 2 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 5 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 2 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 5 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 5 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 5 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 4 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 5 defined but never used as a NextWave.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 6 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Yeti_Wave2 with difficulty 1 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Yeti_Wave2 with difficulty 1 defined but never used as a NextWave.
ServantOfTheRing_Wave5 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
DarfariOstriches_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
StarvedExiles_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
RelicHunterScouts_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 3 defined but never used as a NextWave.
Following might be no error if there is a fallback system in place, but this might lead to the instant end of the wave:
WaveTime is 0
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has WaveTime 0.
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has WaveTime 0.
Spider_Purge_Wave1 with difficulty 4 has WaveTime 0.
Wolves_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has WaveTime 0.
GrayApe_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 1 has WaveTime 0.
GrayApe_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 2 has WaveTime 0.
GrayApe_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 3 has WaveTime 0.
GrayApe_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 4 has WaveTime 0.
GrayApe_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 5 has WaveTime 0.
GrayApe_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has WaveTime 0.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has WaveTime 0.
JhebbalSagWorshippers_Wave2 with difficulty 1 has WaveTime 0.
ServantOfTheRing_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has WaveTime 0.
Following might not be an error at all, but looks strange:
ActiveCap > SpawnCap
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadHighlands_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadDesert_Purge_Wave6 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave4 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
UndeadFallback_Purge_Wave5 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
Yeti_Wave1 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
Yeti_Wave1 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
Yeti_Wave1 with difficulty 5 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
Yeti_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave1 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave1 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave1 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave2 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave2 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave2 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave3 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave3 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave4 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave4 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave4 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirHunters_Wave5 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ServantOfTheRing_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ServantOfTheRing_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ServantOfTheRing_Wave4 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ServantOfTheRing_Wave5 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave1 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave1 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave1 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave2 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave2 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave2 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave3 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave3 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave4 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
WhiteDragon_Wave5 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave1 with difficulty 1 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave1 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave1 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave1 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave1 with difficulty 5 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave2 with difficulty 1 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave2 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave2 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave2 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave2 with difficulty 5 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave3 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave3 with difficulty 5 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
ChildrenOfJhil_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave1 with difficulty 1 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave1 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave1 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave1 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave1 with difficulty 5 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave2 with difficulty 1 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave2 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave2 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave2 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave2 with difficulty 5 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
CrocodilePurge_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave1 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave1 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave1 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave1 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave2 with difficulty 2 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave2 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave2 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave2 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave3 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave3 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave3 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave4 with difficulty 3 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave4 with difficulty 4 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave4 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.
VanirChieftain_Wave5 with difficulty 6 has ActiveCap > SpawnCap.