Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [ Bug ]
Region: [Here]
There are typos and omissions in the PurgeConfigTable.
Purge_Votariess_Artisan should be Purge_Votaries_Artisan
Purge_LostTribes_Artisan should be Purge_LostTribe_Artisan
Purge_Lemurians_Artisan should be Purge_Lemurian_Artisan
Purge_BlackHandPiratess_Artisan should be Purge_BlackHandPirates_Artisan
Purge_HeirsToTheNorths_Artisan should be Purge_HeirsToTheNorth_Artisan
There are also no Human waves with a difficulty threshold of 5 or 6 (and the official servers are set to 6)
Come Some judicious copy and paste would fix that too.
The dev kit updated earlier but these extremely trivial and easy to fix issues are not addressed.
For some reason.
I offered to help you fix these privately but no one was interested. I was told that the dev who designed the system had some changes that had not yet been pushed to testlive. Several Testlive patches and one Live patch later, nothing.
I don’t even know what to say anymore.
Steps on how to reproduce issue: