Purple Lotus Attributes?

Hello Exile Builders

So I was reading the Scarlet Citadel today and caught something interesting about the purple lotus.

A villain called Sotha Landi used the lotus leaf to paralyse Conan.

We should put that mechanic in the game. Not the powder, but a mechanic for the leaf…

Perhaps we could “wrap it” around an arrow? When fired, and it hits its target, the target is immovable for like 5 seconds or something?

Just a thought…

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Check out thrall war mod we do it.

In pve ok

But in pvp it should have dr or somthing that allows for it not to be spammed on a player

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Excuse me?


Take it down a notch mate, it’s just a suggestion.

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Which is why making solid statements on how it should work before it goes live is a good idea :joy::joy: i think we both have seen funcom taking a few mere suggestions into action in-game that ruins the game

Im simply leaving a mark of my opinion because seeing how it went lately one can never be too sure :joy::joy:


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