Purple lotus orb

I just realised what the purple lotus orb is used for after all this time. I never tried it because it didn’t specify what it’s for and i thought it would just give a concussion damage buff or something.

But now i tried it and was once again amazed how bad this game has become. You can go to Sepermeru for instance, stand right next to the thralls and thow a few orbs to knock them out without them even fighting back. This is complete nonsense! Every last bit of challenge has been taken from the gameplay as i’ve said plenty of times. I know i don’t have to use them but holy h*ll this is ridiculous. 3 orbs to knock out a T4 thrall, like it isn’t easy enough already! Then an hour to break them… We already quit pvp after 5+ years since it has become a joke to Funcom and are on the verge of throwing the whole game in the trash. The game isn’t interesting anymore in any way with the changes that are constantly made because they mostly make the gameplay easier and easier. You get everything instantly, you don’t need to play to achieve basically anything anymore. The thralls are a joke, they have no special attributes or abilities since they are all the same now, so many things have been made meaningless. Like the attribute perks for one, why would anyone get the climbing gear anymore when a perk gives you the ability to climb higher and faster and it’s quite enough for the basic climbing needs.

I know the gear isn’t needed anyways thanks to the gliding joints, but it’s just one example of something made completely pointless to exist in the game. One other thing is the taskmasters. You had to get a T4 one if you wanted to break a named thrall fast and safe. Now they don’t matter, you can get an army of T4 fighters instantly without anyone being able to do anything about it.

I don’t know who makes the decisions in Funcomland but it’s fairly obvious they do not play the game on pvp servers, maybe some light rp stuff in pve but that’s it.

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What do you want to see? You don’t want the orb in game?

If you played through the caravans, that is as easy as it gets.

How? Knock out gas isn’t new and I don’t think is out of cannon{?}.

Then why aren’t you complaining on some other forum about some other game, sounds like there is no reason for you to continue paying, right?

Sounds like a plan.

I love the orbs, fun stuff I made a bunch and knocked out serpers. Note this is worthless on wandering thralls, like the ones you actually want; the berserker for instance. At best, for harder thralls it’s a help to the actual bludgeon.

Then you are obviously burnt out and it’s time to play something different.

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when ppl defend the game like you do it makes me feel like they get paid by funcom…

Since day one of Conan Exiles, the game has only undergone technical changes that made it easier. Instead of creating challenges, it increasingly traps you in RNG. The difficulty isn’t in taking down the thrall, but in finding the thrall you want. It’s not about obtaining a legendary weapon, but finding the weapon you desire. So you end up wandering for hours in the game, doing easy, repetitive, and tiresome tasks. Want a specific recipe from Purges? Guess what?

For me, the orbs are fine; I don’t want the risk of losing a thrall after spending days searching for it.

And when the game tries to make things harder, it usually involves nerfing some allied aspect or buffing some enemy feature. The new boss turning mechanic made it more challenging to face them. But at the same time, it removed the combat dynamic, as you can no longer engage them using their movement patterns. Solution: back to letting the thrall do all the work.

If you don’t like them, don’t use them!
With all do respect, but a few days ago you were complaining about how difficult purge lvl 1 is. Now you seek challenge? You have coup de grace now on exile lands, you and your team can bring the whole Sepermeru down faster than these orbs will.
Then lovetap is still in the game and the mace animation is still the one that light attacks do not break easy.
Getting thralls from Sepermeru is not a challenge, getting thralls from volcano, is another story. So up there you will really appreciate the purple lotus orbs.
I do respect your feedback @Koschgine, but this topic is nothing else than hyperbole!
Purple lotus are fine, play the game.
Happy holidays!


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