PvP/PvE Server & Solo Player/Co-op Question

Is it possible to join a PvP/PvE Server with a character AND run a Solo Player Character as two separate characters/games or do we have to choose only one way to play? I am running on the Xbox Platform.

Not sure on Xbox but on pc I can maintain may solo play while playing different characters on any number of severs.

So on the PC you can create different characters on different servers in PvP/PvE?

I do plan on ordering the Physical Copy (PC Version) Collector Edition when the gamed is finally released.

While my first hand experience is PC, the Xbox should be the same.

A character is tied to the server. When playing single-player/co-op, your Xbox is the server. If you join another server, either a dedicated machine or someone else’s Xbox, you’ll have a different character.

Yes. One character per server.