Pyramid of the Ancients - final boss - only 2 wards dropped in run

Hey all. I just ran PoA and everything went fine. I completed all quests but the final quest. That quest is for killing the very last boss. However, only two of the mini-bosses appeared that dropped the wards. Idk why the others didnt show up on third floor. I tried rerunning it and still nothing.

Without the 4 wards, I get killed a little more than halfway through fight. I have the 1st and 2nd wards. Has anyone had this issue before?

Also, can I bring another player into Pyramind of the Ancients with me so its an easier fight? Lmk on both things please. Thanks!

I haven’t done it in a while, but if I remember, you get 2 stones on the way up, then you talk to the statue, which send you back to retrieve its eyes. Then you find the third on the way back up and the 4th just before you enter the boss room.
When did you get yours?

And, yes, you should be able to enter with a group.

Awesome thank you! I’ll have to do it over again. I think I either missed some areas on 2nd floor. I’ll try it soon and post back. Thanks again.

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